If this weather continues, this will be the first Halloween I will spend in Alaska in 41 years in which Trick or Treaters will not have to wear snowsuits over their costumes when they come to my door. I’ll actually get to see what they’re supposed to be. This could turn out to be a lot of fun.
One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Here in America, we are treated to the proof of this adage through our ongoing War on Drugs and continuing Congressional budget dramas. It is also fairly evident in our endless Cuban embargo.
This is not meant to diminish the suffering of many, many people under Castro’s regime. But it seems glaringly evident that our embargo did not diminish the Castro brand in Cuba. Fidel has retired and his brother continues to rule the country. Given this reality fifty years
Reading what Sal says on Fox News is almost more incomprehensible than listening to it. A couple of examples…
1. “People who see the way that I and Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and a whole lot of other Americans can see that we are taxed enough already—of course, that’s the acronym for the Tea Party movement—we’re taxed enough already and we believe that the Constitution, that’s the blueprint that leads us towards a more perfect union and will fight very strong for that.”
2. “I’ve been saying for years that robust, competitive primaries make for a better political system—it
Listening to McCain rail against the right wing Tea Party arm of the Republican Party and the damage it is doing to the party, you’d almost think he hadn’t started it all by catering to that fringe group with his choice of our gal Temporary Sal as his running mate in the 2008 campaign. He has no one to blame but himself.
Is it just me or does Ted Cruz look like the character in a movie that pretends to be a good guy but ends up being the creepy villain?
The next budget deadline is January 15. So as you head into your holiday shopping, keep in mind that disaster awaits again a mere 15 days after the holidays end. How much debt do you want to be in when the excrement in congress causes us to default or the government to shut down again.
Yep, happy holidays. Try not to think about tomorrow.
Snowy brought Santa Claus outside today when he went out for his morning ablutions. He propped him up nicely against a tree trunk, performed his morning duties, and ran back in while leaving Santa stranded against the tree across the yard from the back door. Loathe to traipse into the wet dirt and grass in my bathrobe and slippers, I jokingly called to Carm to go get Santa and bring him in. Without hesitation, Carm ran out the door, looked around the yard, spotted Santa, grabbed him and brought him in.
Who knew? That damn dog actually does have brain
Will the last adult in DC turn off the lights when leaving town. The kids can’t be trusted to touch anything electrical… or electoral for that matter.
There are a couple of important things you need to know before visiting Cuba. First is that Ernest Hemmingway apparently drank at every bar in Havana. Second is that if you have not been offered rum by 10 AM, Cubans feel they are failing in their hospitality.
Whenever I mentioned going to Cuba, the question most frequently asked was how I’d gotten a visa to go there. Well, pretty much the US Government no longer really cares. Cuba belongs to a distant cold war past. Our continued embargo is simply the product of influential people in Florida still mad that