Someone – and I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that someone is probably a male – molested a horse at the Fairbanks State Fair. Unless Katherine the Great has been reincarnated, this means that there is some sicko out there who finds horses attractive as a sexual partner. Oh dear lord!
Nature abhors a vacuum
The United States Congress is on a five week hiatus from their sweat inducing labor of getting nothing done while making a great deal of noise in the hope we, the American people, won’t notice. Much to their chagrin, it seems the American people have actually noticed as the approval rating for our august national legislature is hovering around 17%. This, of course, leads to the inevitable question of who the heck those 17% are?
Some applaud the fact that Congress has passed so few bills this session due to gridlock. These are the people who believe nothing good can
How I know fall is approsching
Each morning I close one of my windows a little bit more. By the first freeze, they will be closed completely. It’s like watching the fireweed bloom at its tip… a sure sign that winter (thank god) is on its way.
Thank you
Thank you , whatever being is out there, for the cooler grey weather of fall that is upon Anchorage. I can feel my normally cheery spirit returning with each drop in the temperature.
Oh HIllary
If I didn’t know better, I’d suspect you’ve had a few nips and tucks to make your face more presentable in a presidential campaign. So sad.
Rummage Sale and New Book – a bonanza

Don’t forget the Bird TLC rummage sale on our property off Old Seward above Potter’s Marsh. It runs from 9 to 3. Lots of birds to amuse you and lots of goodies to buy.
And as if that’s not enough, my newest book Coming Into the City is officially out for sale. You can order it online at
Note to family… yes, you have to pay for it. My birds need me to pay for their kibble so you have to pay for the book.
Mark your calendar
Tomorrow, 9 to 3, huge rummage sale at the Bird TLC property to raise money for the birds.
Come one, come all. Someone else’s junk can surely be your treasure! And Kodi the Cache Crow will be there to relieve you of any unspent dollar bills on your way out.
Ah sleaze, thy name is politicians
George Ahmaogak was recently re-elected to the board of the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation. Given his spotty legal history as North Slope Borough mayor, and his wife’s current incarceration for embezzling funds from the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission, when I heard the news I wondered where else in this country could someone with that baggage get re-elected to anything. Given recent candidate announcements both here in Alaska and across the country, I have to guess the answer is just about anywhere in America.
I don’t know if this reflects more on the poor taste of the American people or their
To all the wonderful friends who ask, the answer is yes, it still hurts and my normally cheerful disposition has still not returned. Damn shingles!
A word of wisdom from a friend
If you are at your local pharmacy and see the sign advertising shingles vaccine, run – don’t walk – run to get it. I don’t care how rushed you are, how busy your schedule is. I can now tell you from ongoing personal experience that nothing, and I do mean nothing, hurts quite so much as shingles. Ouch!