pictures, Scribblings

Just a reminder to all you Alaska fisherpeople out there


Bird TLC takes donations of all kinds of fish except fish that has been processed in some fashion. We are especially looking for some hooligan to stash away for the winter. Some of our injured eagles come in preferring hooligan to all else. Go figure.

And to any hunters, we also take donations of red meat for our raptors except for any that has been processed into sausage or hot links, etc. Rabbits and squirrels also appreciated.

Our new address is 7800 King Street. That’s north of Dimond on King between Dimond and 76th.

As always, the birds and I

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pictures, Scribblings

Meet Angel


She was part dog, part cow. She stood high to your thigh and could knock you over with her insistence on being close enough to not lose you. She loved nothing more than being with her family. Unless it was when she got to walk Elaine. She’d let Elaine think she was in charge because she was holding the leash. But everyone knew that Angel was really the one in charge. Walking her gave Elaine all the aerobic exercise she needed on any given day. Thanks to a lady named Bessie, who found her abandoned in a parking lot, Angel

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pictures, Scribblings

Just to continue annoying my cousin Joe


After annoying him for a lifetime, it’s nice to know I haven’t lost my touch. So this dog picture is just for you, Joe. Because I know it’s what you live for.

In this lovely photo, Carm (playing the part usually assigned to my sister Judy) is trying to pull a recalcitrant Snowy (usually played by me) through the fun of an afternoon walk in the sun. Neither Snowy nor I like the sun. And once Snowy has put his butt down, Carm has no better chance of moving him than my sister does of getting me to do her

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Can Alaskans tell the difference

Apparently there is some concern that Alaskan Republicans will have difficulty differentiating between the two Dan Sullivan’s running for office in the upcoming primary. Here’s a suggestion. Don’t worry. They are cut from the same cloth. One and the same. The conservative Republican Alaskan mold is stamping them out in droves. So it just really doesn’t matter. To say nothing of how insulting it is to suggest that voters won’t know the difference after being bombarded with 80 gazillion ads for the Dan running for Senate. Here’s a thought… just vote for Joe Miller and don’t worry about getting confused.

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Columns 2014

War on Drugs a colossal failure

Even a cursory review of history reveals that prohibition is a failed policy. Whether it’s forbidding your teen from seeing the boy of her dreams or forbidding a nation to have a beer after work, the result is the same. The forbidden will somehow be accessed. All prohibition does is drive the behavior underground, thus making it that much harder to deal with the consequences.

America’s War on Drugs has been a colossal failure. Not only has it not even come close to achieving its stated goal, it has driven the issue so far underground that the only people who

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Commercial advertisers should complain

Commercial advertisers should complain about the number of mind numbing political ads are running on our tv. Sometimes the same ad runs twice, back to back. So I have given up watching live TV completely. I’d rather read and tape the show. Then I can fast forward through all the commercials. This stops me from want to scream in agony at hearing one more time about why Dan Sullivan protects Alaska hunters or why Mark Begich is opposed to carbon tax or why… oh crap. Who gives a damn anymore? Just make the noise stop. My brain feels like it

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RIP Bret Maverick

He was an integral to my youth as Little Joe. Both taught me what good men were like. Both showed me the kind of man I most was attracted to. And both clarified my someone hazy understanding of boys versus girls and that I most definitely was not gay.

Now they are both gone and a little part of my childhood has died with them.

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Impeach the president? Really Sarah?

I guess Sarah Palin wouldn’t understand the enormity of the issue of impeaching a president or any given elected official since she didn’t hang around long enough as our governor for us to impeach her. And trust me, all signs indicated there would come a point where we would have.

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