Is it just me or does he remind other people of the villain in a Tom Clancy novel?
Will he even bother coming back to pretend to campaign?
So does anyone think Don Young will even bother coming back to Alaska to campaign for re-election? I mean, it’s not as if he has to. Most Alaskans will keep voting him back into office in an attempt to keep him out of the state anyhow. When he comes back here and we see him up close and personal, well, let’s face it, we’re all a little abashed that he’s the only thing representing us in the House.
You can’t push me off!

Sigh… four different dogs beds, two couches, three soft chairs and still they all gather on one determined to be the last dog sitting.
As my friend Stewart so wisely wrote, “Mommy, he’s touching me!”
Today is…
Today is Father’s Day. My father is gone now so I can no longer wish him a happy father’s day. But I can wish it to all the wonderful fathers I’ve known in my many years of work in social services and with the Alaska Court System in Barrow. Some were foster fathers. Some were grandfathers. Some were uncles. Some big brothers. All stepped in to help kids whose birth fathers were unable or unwilling to be the dad the kids needed. These other wonderful men stepped up to the plate and tried to provide love and guidance to kids
To all my friends and family
Until this campaign season ends, I will no longer pick up my phone after 6 PM. My ears are already bleeding from all the obnoxious tv ads. Picking up the phone and hearing push polls disguised as public opinion polls or robo calls from the same candidates I”m fast forwarding through on TV or any other politically connected calls has totally destroyed what is left of my normally sunny disposition. Since I have one of those phone that doesn’t do much more than have a dial tone, I can’t tell who is calling when the phone rings. That’s why god
Is it just me?
Is it just me or are the Begich/Sullivan ads trying to out-macho each other? Begich is running around on a snow mobile. Sullivan all but has Rawhide playing in the background as he stands there looking like a rough and ready Alaskan. Couldn’t they both just whip it out, measure it and get it over with?
Don’t let your cat kill our wild birds
It’s baby bird season in Alaska. So when I read all the debate about feral cats and whether they should be sterilized and released or killed, I have to admit to being very torn. On the one hand, the thought of ending any animal or human life before its time is in many ways abhorrent to me. On the other hand, roaming cats provide an added layer of danger to baby birds and their chances of survival.
Full disclosure – I am a volunteer at Bird TLC. This is our busiest season as we take care of hundreds of baby
What more could we possibly do to him?
We exchanged five prisoners for him. Five prisoners who we refused to allow to go to trial, refused to allow into the United States to go into a jail, refused to provide any limit to their unending stay at Gitmo. What do people expect to happen to the prisoners there? Will we keep them in a lifetime imprisonment without benefit of any legal counsel? Without any solid showing of crimes proven in a court of law? Does that not merely make us a pale imitation of the Russian gulags? Sentenced to life with no recourse to any chance to have
If there is a god…
… shouldn’t she have nailed Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove and Dick Chaney into some kind of hell of their own sick minds?
If you haven’t seen it…
If you haven’t seen the episode of Cosmos where greenhouse gases are discussed, find it on the Internet or your iPad or iPhone or whatever and watch it. It’s the simplest and clearest explanation I have ever heard of the phenomenon. To say nothing of how frightening the future will be, not for us, but for our children and our children’s children if we don’t act now. How much longer do we think we can keep our head stuck in the ground before the ground gets so hot it cooks what’s left of our brains?