Starting off this Saturday at 6:30 AM to feed all the animals and get out of the house in time for a five mile cancer walk. Then on to Potter’s Marsh to stand next to Kodi, the Cache Crow, for a program for two hours. Then home to feed all the animals again and collapse on my couch while rubbing my feet and wondering why I haven’t learned how to better schedule my time considering how many years I’ve had on this earth to do so.
I blame it on the sun
I sit in the dark in my office with a bug zapper light… sans attractant… lit behind me to fry mosquitoes and pray for the return of the cold, dark snowy winter.
The Barrow Superior Court
In the interest of full disclosure, let me begin by saying that I’ve known Barrow Superior Court Judge Michael Jeffery for well over thirty years. I first met him when he arrived in Barrow as a legal services attorney. Since that time, I have worked with him in a variety of capacities. There was a time I was the social worker and he was the attorney representing the parents of children in state custody. There was a very long time when I was a Guardian Ad Litem with the Barrow Court overseeing cases involving children in state custody. I still
Sarah Palin doesn’t live her anymore
No matter how many shows she does about Alaska, Sarah Palin doesn’t live here anymore. So stop asking me about her. Check in with Arizona. She’s their problem now.
Baby birds… they’re back
Orphaned baby birds have started to show up at Bird TLC. Please folks, be aware that this is the time of year when they are emerging and learning to fly and care for themselves. Before you cut a tree down, check for nests. Watch for mommas and chicks crossing the highways. Keep your cats inside so they don’t prey on helpless little ones. Birds bring beauty and light to our state and provide valuable services in maintaining our ecosystem. Let’s be respectful of their need for a little extra care and attention this time of the year.
My sincerest apology
My sincerest apology to the dear young man at the travel place who spent over an hour with my sister and I on a conference call while we booked an entire trip to Greece only to have us call back fifteen minutes later and cancel the whole thing. I would not blame him if he spent his entire weekend drinking and complaining about the idiots who call him before CAREFULLY reading the itinerary and making sure it’s the trip they want.
Could you say no to this face?

Please daddy, I’d like my own credit card and a Porsche for my sixteenth birthday. Could you start saving up now?
Once again the question must be asked
Who the hell is still responding to spam e-mails from African princes and mideastern potentates? Who still reads that crap and doesn’t have it go directly to their spam folder? Surely even the older generation that was the prime target of these spams has caught on that no Nigerian prince is offering them money for nothing. So who is swallowing this bait? Who is left in any first or second world country still buying what spammers are selling? Truly a sucker is born every minute.
Missed Anniversary

May 4 was the second anniversary of the arrival of BuddhaBubba and Carm into my life. They have been a joy since the day they arrived… ok, maybe not a joy when they use the pee pads for all their needs because it’s too cold to go out in the winter, but aside from those months… ah heck, anyone willing to cuddle up with me at night despite the snoring emanating from all of us that can be heard on Venus are a year round joy to me.
Happy anniversary. And no, this doesn’t mean you are getting steak tonight
The good news from Bush Alaska
For those of us lucky enough to have spent time in Bush Alaska, it’s no secret that life there can swing fairly widely in short spans of time from extreme joy to extreme sorrow and back again. Maybe these swings also happen in the more urban areas of the state but are simply not as intense because sheer size and numbers dilute the effect.
The news that four Alaskans are recipients of Gates scholarships that will pay for their entire education through a Ph. D. is amazing in and of itself. All four students are obviously outstanding. But that two