
So disgusting

Someone broke into Bird TLC and stole our little camera, two laptops and about $200 in petty cash. What sleazeoids! We have so little, we are such a small non-profit, and yet these assholes thought they should take what little we have. We are extremely grateful that they didn’t hurt any of our birds. We are extremely sorry that none of our eagles, hawks or owls were able to get to the thieves and rip their eyeballs out… well, I am, at any rate.

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It’s coming

Next week the US Congress reconvenes. I’m guessing that what we will see is grandstanding on an unbelievable level as the House and Senate Committees hold interminable hearings on every “scandal” of the past few weeks. Members of Congress will posture, grandstand, speechify and use words incorrectly so that they get a spot on the evening news back home. And then, when all the bombast is done, nothing will happen. Just like nothing ever happens in Congress. (Know any bankers who’ve gone to jail for the financial crisis? Apple in any trouble over its questionable tax dodges?) As hot as

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pictures, Scribblings

Why I am never bored


So as I always do when I get the upstairs birds out for their showers on Friday, Bubba and Carm have the option of going into the yard, if the weather is nice, or staying in the office while the birds are out. They chose to be outside. When I finished the birds, Carm was at the back upstairs door waiting to be let in. Bubba wasn’t. I figured she was downstairs in the sun and I’d go let her in when I got down there to do the other birds. I came downstairs with a full trash bag so

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Memorial Day

For all those brave young men and women who have given life and limbs for their country… I long for the day when the people leading our country, and all the countries in the world, figure out a way to never ask you for that kind of sacrifice again.

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Don Young

Why are Alaskans ever surprised when Dandy Don does something like go on safari instead of attend a hearing on a bill he cosponsored? Have they not been paying attention for the last 40 years? Don Young views his seat in Congress as his pension for which he need do no work except for occasionally showing up in Alaska every two years to win re-election. What is perhaps most pathetic is that the Democratic Party in Alaska cannot find a credible candidate to beat him. I mean, he hands them their campaign attacks on a silver platter and they still

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We should all be grateful

We all live in places where natural disasters can happen, whether tornadoes, or hurricanes or earthquakes or volcanoes erupting. And every day that we wake up and are able to go about our daily lives with normalcy, knowing the people and pets we love are safe and our homes are snug and cozy and waiting for us to get off work, we should remember to be very, very grateful. It can all go away so quickly.

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There are little green things showing their heads above the ground in my yard. Quiet. It doesn’t take much to scare them away. Can’t wait to see what they are… given my ability in my yard, I’m going to guess either dandelions or whatever grows from the seeds my birds scatter in the house, my dogs eat because… well, because… and then poop out in the yard. This is always an exciting spring mystery.

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I’m a terrible person but…

I couldn’t stop grinning from ear to ear when I read that the judge ordered Joe Miller to pay Alaska Dispatch over $85,000 in legal fees for his sleazy (and does the man know any other way, really?) attempts to use the law to duck the law. He’s the type of lawyer that Charles Dickens skewered so well over 150 years ago in Bleak House with the case titled Jarndyce v Jarndyce. In fact, Joe would have fit right in with the sleaze that Dickens described in that lawsuit. Yay for Alaska Dispatch! Yay for John McKay! And yay for

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