Columns 2016

Seniors are not leaving Alaska… screw you Alaska Legislature!

If the noises emanating from Juneau are real, then we can only conclude that our legislators have it in for anyone with the audacity to be poor, needy, old or very young in Alaska. You are apparently only welcome if you meet their criteria for residency in this state. You need to be moderately young, healthy, educated, employed and in no need of any government assistance. And it probably wouldn’t hurt to be a Caucasian male or an oil company.

I’m one of those seniors who struggle each month to make ends meet so I can stay in this state.

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Every once in a while

Every once in a while it occurs to me that in my lifetime I’ve seen homosexuality come out of the closet and take its rightful place in the world, gay marriage legalized, pot legalized in many places, an African-American elected president and, quite possibly, a woman elected president. My generation may have gotten a lot of things wrong, but we clearly got some of them very right.

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Ah March

Doesn’t March remind you of that friend you have who can never really make up his or her mind about anything. Does March want to be winter or summer? Shall it rain or snow? Should it be warmish or coldish or just friggin’ freezing? Given my wardrobe possibilities, I really do need March to make a decision here.

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Is it just me or does it seem like there are so many refugees pushing on Europe’s borders that it seems as though there can be no one left living in the mid-East or north Africa?

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Columns 2016

Time to pay our own bills

Wow. It’s as though the legislators read my columns and decided to test my resolve to not write any advocacy pieces for programs I don’t think should have further financial cuts. I made a promise to myself that, given our current fiscal situation, everything had to be on the table in order to resolve our budget crisis. Then some committee recommended cutting all of public broadcasting funding. And further cuts were discussed for programs that help the most vulnerable in our society.

Public broadcasting has had an uphill funding battle at the state level ever since we lost the oil

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Oh dear lord!

I was watching tv and absentmindedly petting the dog sitting on my chest. I glanced down at my hand and realized it was no longer my hand. It was my father’s hand… big knuckles and all. When did this happen? And why wasn’t I given a vote?

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My take on the Oscars

Chris Rock was great. The show was more entertaining than usual. And mostly, the bit with Chris Rock interviewing movie goers in Compton blew my mind. There still really are two different worlds in America. We need to bring them together to survive.

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