
Pantyhose and Spanx

There are two things for which I am very grateful in my old age. One is that I threw out my last pair of pantyhose in 1988. And yes, they were queens. The second is that I got too old to give a damn before Spanx were invented so that I will never have to even try to put them… whatever the hell they are… on. And from what I’ve heard about Spanx, it sounds like they are just your old fashioned girdle and long line bra in a modern iteration. Didn’t like that the first time around. Ain’t going

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My sister and I were in South America when Ronald Reagan won the presidency. That was embarrassing enough. I don’t want to be anywhere but under my bed if Trump wins. So I guess we have to adjust our travel schedule for this fall.

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Columns 2016

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Senator Dan Sullivan is right

I have to assume most readers will not be shocked to find out that Senator Dan Sullivan and I agree on very little. Political viewpoints don’t get much farther apart than our respective philosophies. But there are two things on which we completely agree. One is that the Marine Corps rocks. The others is that no government should be negotiating away justice for juvenile victims of sexual assault.

The stench that arose from the investigation of Senator Ted Stevens is hard to ignore. The worse of that stench is the possibility (probability?) that the government’s chief witness against Stevens, Bill

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Another mommy moment

Snowy had snuggle down to the bottom of the bed under the covers. Then a dog barked in the early AM. He jumped to attention… well, he tried to jump. In reality, the blanket and sheets didn’t allow him to jump as much as they allowed him to try to stand upright. He did not succeed. The dog outside continued to bark… apparently some of my neighbors get up early to go to work… and Snowy felt absolutely obliged to go bark back. So he tried to get out from under the covers to go bark. Only he couldn’t find

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My spot

Did you ever wonder why we all seem to find one place in our den or living room that is ours… that we don’t ever want to share… that seems to be the place we are most comfortable while watching TV, reading or visiting? I know how Sheldon feels about his spot. I may not be so anal retentive about it, but I am pretty anal about it. It’s my spot. Stay out of it.

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Columns 2016

Please, religious conservatives, get out of my vagina

Conservatives who feel government should stay out of their way but should be all up in a woman’s business often confuse me. They think it’s wrong for government to regulate how private business is conducted. If a person running a bakery doesn’t want to bake a cake for a gay couple, then by golly, the state should not be able to force that person to do so. But if a woman wants to conduct private business with her doctor concerning her body and her reproductive system, then they feel the government should be right in that exam room handing the

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