
Please, no more.

I was scrolling through news pieces yesterday when I saw a headline announcing that some Kardashian was making news because she put her butt on Instagram. First of all, that is not news. That is not gossip. That is not anything anyone should have to see or read about when searching for news. Secondly… sorry, I just threw up in my mouth at the thought of seeing that picture. I need to go rinse my mouth out and take some deep cleansing breaths while trying to convince myself that humanity is not completely doomed to inanity.

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Columns 2015

The only adult in the room

Sometimes it’s simply not fun to be the only adult in the room. While everyone else it having fun being silly and stupid, you are required to maintain some semblance of dignity and intelligence. Watching our local politicians at work I have to say that I am becoming more and more convinced that Governor Walker may be the only adult in any room full of Alaskan politicians.

Remember when you were a kid and it seemed as though it was always your parents raining on your parade? You know, they’d say things like, “No you can’t stick that dime into

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So here’s a question

If all the Republican presidential candidates were put on a boat and sent out to sea would anyone actually search for them? And what are the chances that anyone who wanted to search for them could also be put on a boat and sent out to sea?

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Columns 2015

Volunteering… not just for the holidays

It’s been a hard few weeks here in America. Mass murders seem to happen almost daily. Against all common sense, some people still think Donald Trump is not only a viable presidential candidate but also an actual compassionate human being. The whole world truly seems to be spinning out of control. Given the rapid approach of the holiday season, I thought it would be best to look for something positive to write about that promotes the message that good, kind and compassionate people still exist. I found it at Hiland Mountain Correctional Center.

Hiland Mountain is the proud home of

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Birthday greetings

My friend Grace turns a very old age today. I can say this because she will turn that age before I will by about two months. We’ve been friends since we were about 3 and I spent a good deal of our childhood jealous that she got to do everything first because she was older. I no longer think that way.

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Is it just me or…

Whenever I see Ben Carson I feel like I’m watching a Saturday Night Live skit and at any moment it will end and he’ll open his eyes and be a normal human being. Because if this is really him as he is… WOW!

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Jery Falwell Jr.

Asking all the students at his university to carry concealed weapons so as to fight off anyone trying to shoot them. Yep, what could go wrong… guns in the hands of young men who are still in the midst of impulsive behavior. And, of course, it being a Christian university, no one would ever drink at a party and use the guns inappropriately. This man is truly an idiot. 

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