
I get it

I get that the Republican party has no real front runner to be the natural pick for presidential candidate but even so, isn’t it getting a bit ridiculously crowded? How to tell them all apart is the hardest thing What a cluster f..k their primaries will be. At least it will keep me from dwelling on how boring the Dems nomination proceedings will be. 

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Columns 2015

Congress should have to go to VA facilities … and wait!

Here’s what I don’t understand. I don’t understand why we always seem so surprised at the health care needs of veterans returning from wars. It’s not as though this is something new. Every war supplies us with heartbreaking pictures of veterans living in cardboard boxes on streets; of veterans pushing their legless bodies on wooden boards with wheels begging money; veterans reliving the nightmare of what they saw and what they endured to keep their homeland safe.

These vets are the by-products of war that we seemingly don’t know how to handle. We always find money for war, even if

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Words cannot express

They stacked the Supremes with conservatives and now have to live with the consequences. My heart is filled with joy for all my gay friends who are finally able to express their love and devotion to each other like straight people have for centuries. And my heart breaks with sadness for so many gay friends I’ve lost who are not around to see this day… especially those two special Joe’s in my life.

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Columns 2015

Public broadcasting Kellior zombies

I am an ardent supporter of public broadcasting. Until last year, I had been on a board or commission for public broadcasting since my first stint at KBRW in Barrow in the late seventies. I was there as public radio brought the Inupiat language into the public sphere by broadcasting in Inupiat as well as English. I listened as people from far-flung villages wished distant friends and relative’s happy birthday on the birthday show.  I anchored a show on Saturday mornings called Discount Radio. Its motto was, “You get what you pay for and I’m a volunteer.” This tamped down

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I am traveling and somehow got locked out of my website. Anyone who knows me will find that perfectly understandable. Thanks to that wonderful lady Sonya Senkowsky for getting me back on.

I have been posting on Facebook so you can go to my Facebook page… which anyone can see because I honestly have neither the strength nor interest to try and figure out how to put privacy controls on it… and catch up on what’s been happening.

Thanks for being patient – assuming of course there is anyone left checking out this site. Oh wait, I know how to

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Will they ever forgive me?

Carm has been pissed since the suitcase came out. He is now hiding under the desk, refusing all calls to come out for treats or hugs. I’m probably lucky he hasn’t peed on it… hmmm, maybe I should check on that…

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Columns 2015

“Defeat for humanity”

It’s funny how progress gets made sometimes. We often don’t even recognize it as such until we stop and ponder the implications. On first hearing the news last week that same sex couples receiving health benefits through the state employee system would now have to be married, my gut reaction was that this was just another effort to deny same sex couples their rights. Then I remembered that same sex couples have the same rights as anyone else to marry here, and I realized this requirement was progress.

Treating all people equally in civil society is the mark of a

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The East Coast

I depart today on the first part of my journey to the East Coast. I used to do this in one day, leaving at 1 or 2 AM and arriving the next evening on the East Coast. But those days are long past. Now I go to Seattle and spend the night in a hotel in a real bed. Then I take the non-stop Alaska Airlines flight to Philly the next morning. It cost more this way but when I land in Philly I am a pleasant person… well, as pleasant as I ever am. Mostly I’m not a misery

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My new used TV

My new used TV is dramatically larger than any tv I’ve ever had. In fact, it’s almost as large as the screens in what now pass for movie theaters. I can watch TV from almost anywhere on my second floor without really having to either turn my head or squint. I think back to those little screens of my childhood and wonder how I ever survived without being able to see exactly how many pores there are on Mark Harmon’s face.

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A store that knows Alaska is part of the continental United States

OK, Alaska. I have found a company that actually includes Alaska in its sales pitch when it says free shipping.

The lady said that not all items may be covered by this policy but they are sending me a mailbox for the cost of the box plus free shipping. I even called the 800 number to be sure I had it right. I guess there are some places in the lower 48 that understand we are part of the CONTINENTAL United States.

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