

So the TSA all but strip searches me at the airport and manages to confiscate my deadly bottle of hand cream but they miss the weapons and grenades being brought in as a test of their competency. Yep. Makes me feel perfectly safe flying. Violated, but safe and with only slightly chapped hands.

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No pressure because no deadline

So our august legislators feel that since layoff notices went out on Monday to state employees, they have no deadline for passing a budget. Hmmm. At what point did they ever worry about deadlines? They blew past the time they should have been in session. They blew past the deadline for their first special session. And now they’ve blown past the deadline that would have avoided layoff notices. Yeah, I don’t think this group ever really gave a crap about any deadline. On the other hand, if closing state government because no budget was passed impacted their receiving their per

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Columns 2015

The sounds of summer

Anchorage in the summer likes to think of itself as a city of flowers. And it is. But it is also a city of sounds, sounds that we don’t hear in the winter because we close our doors and windows to the cold. But in the summer, we open those windows and the sounds of everyday life come rushing in.

Last night I lay in bed reading while outside I heard a train whistle, kids playing and yelling to each other, dogs barking, lawnmowers roaring, birds singing – compared to winter in my house, it was a cacophony of sounds.

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When dogs get the hiccups

Here’s how it works in my house. I wake up in the middle of the night to Snowy, the dog curled into my back, having hiccups. Every time he hiccups, his back bumps mine. I try to move away from him in order to get back to sleep. Every time I inch away, he inches in. And so we both lay awake waiting for the hiccups to end. Oh well, I needed a bathroom run anyhow.

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Global Warming

Anyone who lives in Alaska and tries to deny global warming is both an idiot and a fool. You can argue all you want about why it’s happening… though even there the people arguing that humans are not responsible for a good deal of it have their heads up their asses… but you can’t deny it’s happening!

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I’m shocked

Another conservative Republican lawmaker has been charged with a crime that includes covering up sexual abuse of another male years ago.

I’m shocked, I tell you. Shocked!

I wonder if he has a wide stance in the bathroom too?

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