

Why do Anchorage audiences at the PAC give a standing ovation to everything they see there – no matter how good, bad, fair or excellent the performance is? Are we really still that desperate for live performances?

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I am woman!

The other day I had to load my snow tires into my car to get them put on for winter driving. I went to my front door and looked out hoping to see my neighbor for assistance with getting them into the car. No such luck.

So I sang a verse of “I am woman hear me roar”, flexed my non-existent muscles, apologized to my back in advance, and lifted all four tires into the car.

Not bad for an old lady, eh?… and I’m sure my back will forgive me before I have to repeat the process this spring…

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Every once in a while

Every once in a while it occurs to me that I have lived from Luci and Desi in separate beds to commercials about creams that give women deep sexual satisfaction. And I really can’t decide if this is progress or not.

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I can’t believe she praised him

Lisa Murkowski’s recent praise of Jerry Prevo sickens me. I can no longer say she’s the best candidate. Jerry Prevo stands for a religion of intolerance and fear. He is the kind of Christian that causes me to understand radical Islamists. He does the same violence with his speeches of hate against gays as jihaddists do with their bomb…s. Both set out to destroy good people.

I can’t believe Lisa praised him.

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Joe Miller got his… but you won’t get yours!

I’m starting to think that Joe Miller’s campaign slogan should be, “I got mine and now I’ll do my best to see you don’t get yours.”

Mr. Miller has seemingly not found a publicly funded program he doesn’t love to dip into for himself and his family, from Medicaid to Denali Kid Care to student loans. But once he’s elected and secures the high paid position of U. S. Senator with all its perks and healthcare benefits, he’ll do his best to see that those programs are eliminated so that you never have a chance to receive those same benefits

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Poor Joe MIller

Poor baby. People keep picking on him and his family. He may be running for public office and asking for public trust but that doesn’t mean we have a right to ask him questions about his past. We should just trust him because he’s that wonderful.

God… the site of a grown man who is asking me to vote him into one of the most powerful positions in this country whining about how he’s not being treated fairly is enough to make me want to take his cell phone and Wii away and send him to his room without dinner.

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The attention span of a gnat… or too old to remember

Blue comes and stands by the side of my chair as I sit curled up under a blanket watching my nighttime shows. She can’t see much anymore but she knows instinctively that if it’s after dinner, I’m in my chair. She doesn’t whine. Doesn’t bark. Just stands there staring at me. Eventually I feel a cold chill down my spine and I look left to see her cataract filled eyes watching me with unblinking intent. It is her way of saying, “Get your fat ass off that chair, I need to pee.”

So I unwrap the blanket, go to the

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pictures, Scribblings

On the wings of an eagle


Last year, I lost a dear friend way, way too early in her life. She was one of those people who made the world a better place just by being in it. This picture shows her daughter Aubie (opening the door) and her partner Kim (on top of the table) releasing a rehabilitated eagle last week down near Portage. That’s her grandson in my arms.

Since Dr. Scott, founder of Bird TLC, always said that his tribe believed that eagles carried the souls of the departed to heaven on their wings, we decided to send Deborah on the ride of

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Living with an elderly dog

Living with an elderly dog is not for the fainthearted. However, it does provide for some very interesting moments.

For instance, yesterday as I got suited up for our walk, Blue came into the room and started barking very excitedly because she knew a walk was imminent.  She got so excited with her barking that she started to choke and cough. And every time she coughed, I’d here this hissing sound. It wasn’t until the third cough that the smell hit. Yep, farting and coughing at the same time.

My dog knows a new trick. How lucky am I?

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