
Well this is just freaky

Was watching the Colbert Report and Stephen mentioned that some (I think) Internet channel that carries Catholic programming is trying to connect with the kids by using 3 D technology.

Here’s a thought. How about they update their antiquated attitude towards women and condoms before the buy into 3D?

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Things that make me smile

My sister, who works in group sales for a casino in Atlantic City, was showing the property to a potential client. As she pointed out the wonders of the room they were in, her skirt fell off. Yep, off. Completely down around the ankles moment.

For some reason, I smiled the whole day after I heard that.

I may never be stylish, but the advantage of elastic waistbands is they don’t fall down.

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I am not here

When I call Blue to go out and she doesn’t want to, her latest attempt to avoid the inevitable is to stand frozen in the doorway and simply stare at me with an unblinking gaze. There is not the slightest rustle or movement in her. She is clearly convinced that if she stands that way long enough, I won’t know she’s there because she will be invisible. I have timed this frozen stance and she can keep it up for five minutes before even having to blink if, in so doing, she avoids the dreaded outdoors. When I finally have

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Anchorage needs this park

I don’t think I’m what you’d really call a tree hugger. The thought of hugging trees honestly makes me very nervous. I mean, they have bugs and insects and sap and all that icky foreign stuff a city kid like me learned to fear at birth. When you consider I left the city for Barrow, where no trees have grown for a very long time, you can understand that my adult life has not exactly been filled with trees either.

However, I am a firm believer in respecting nature and the great outdoors because without trees we would run short

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Pleasures the younger generation will never know…

The cell phone generation will never know the pleasure of calling person to person for yourself after arriving safely at whatever destination to which you were traveling so that your mother knew you got there safely without having to pay for a long distance call. And, if you were really quick, being able to shout an “I love you, mom” into the phone before the operator disconnected you when you mother announced you weren’t there and then tried to quickly add “Your clean socks are….” Usually that’s as far as she got before the operator, who was now onto the

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Now that all the hoopla is over

Let me say how very nice it was to watch Chelsea Clinton get married before having a baby, without selling her story to US magazine or any of its fellow travelers. Let me say how much the Clinton’s personify a family in that they have stuck together through thick and thin and made their commitment to each other and their daughter the paramount moment in their life.  Here’s a… oh dear lord! liberal… family whose daughter didn’t do drugs or drink or get caught up in any party scene. She got her college education, got her master’s degree, held a

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Poor Blue

Between her diabetes and old age, her body continually betrays her. She will start up the stairs from the office at 5 PM knowing that dinner is at the other end of her climb. She will bound up the first step and then fall. She will pick herself up with as much grace as possible and then plod dutifully up the rest of the stairs, carefully taking one at a time.

Her heart is still young. The puppy lives within her. But her body remains a continual reminder that time is passing.

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And this is why I’m single

If my fantasy could come true of an actual person coming into my bed at night it would be George Clooney. Not any character he’s ever played, but the man himself. He seems so sweet and caring and funny. You know a night with him would be wonderful.

But if my fantasy were to come true about a night of wild and unbridled passion, then it would be Tony Stark coming to my bed. Not Robert Downey, Jr. but the character he created. Because while I feel that Mr. Downey is probably the most brilliant actor of his generation –

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