
It’s officially 2010

On Friday, a wonderful young man named Paul Mello came to my house and hooked me up to a HD cable box and a router for wifi Internet. I woke up in 1999 and went to sleep in 2010. He even fixed my remote so that it now controls everything but my bowel movements.If only I could remember even one thing he said. I can turn the TV on. That must count for something.

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So how was your morning?

I know my dogs are bright and intelligent. I just know they are. But sometimes I do have to wonder.

When I got up the other day to let them out for their morning relief, I found a big moose all curled up in their yard enjoying a snooze. Clearly there was no going in the back yard. I went to the front door, opened it onto my front lawn and urged them to go do their business. They looked at me very puzzled. Clearly they had no idea why I was kicking them out of the house. And Just

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Ah dental work…..

I guess I shouldn’t complain about a four hour session at the dentist yesterday since I at least still have my own teeth to be worked on.  But still, four hours at the dentist is like four days anywhere else… unless you are having a proctology exam. Then it’s about equal.

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Parnell cares about people – Samuels seems to only care about his political future

As someone who has worked for over thirty years in the field of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse, I cannot express how thrilled I was when Governor Sean Parnell put his money where his mouth is and launched an offensive against these heinous actions.

What you need to understand is that in this field of work, we are used to getting a lot of blathering and bleating from politicians but little in the way of real commitment. When the camera lights and microphones go away, so does the interest of most elected officials as they turn their minds

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Even my birds react to the return of the sun

I figure it must be spring, or at least the return of the light, that’s causing the juices to flow. Captain (Amazon parrot) clearly wants to have sex… and, in fact, does every morning with his perch. CB (Bare-eyed cockatoo and his cage mate), who used to resignedly lay eggs for him to get him off her back, must be getting menopausal because she is absolutely refusing his advances and won’t lay an egg for him.  And so each day the arguments ensue and do not end until they go back to their sleep closet.

Either Captain is just being

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I watch the Olympics in exhaustion

Am I the only one who goes to bed tired after watching the Olympics? Is this some kind of sympathetic reaction to all the energy they are expending? I don’t know the answer for sure, but I do know that I feel a great need to carb load even though I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t.

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It’s simply amazing

Remember just a month ago when health care reform was the issue our nation would stand or fall on?  Amazing how that whole crisis can suddenly disappear, isn’t it?

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It’s Valentine’s Day… ho, hum

Even when I was young I did not understand the hysteria exhibited by some women if they did not have a date for Valentine’s Day. I guess when you generally didn’t have a date on any given day, one more dateless day just really didn’t stand out all that much.

And please, no pity needed. I buy my own treats and flowers and am surrounded by love, even if it comes from critters without the ability to take me to dinner. My life is very complete.

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Why I respect waiters and waitresses… waitpersons?

As I do every year since my buddy Carol talked me into it, I was a (minor) celebrity waitress at the Loussac Library’s fund raising auction/ luncheon on Thursday.  The idea is that the celebrity waitperson brings drinks to the table and hawks various items for sale before the lunch and auction starts. All proceeds benefit the library. I was carrying two drinks on my tray back to people at my table – a diet cola and an iced tea. I spilled the diet soda all over one person and, in bending over to try and save the glass that

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