
Bethel booze story continues

As a veteran of the Barrow Booze Wars my heart goes out to the good people of the Bethel region as they wrestle with a problem that seems all too intractable. Booze in Bush Alaska has created more death and destruction of families, villages and cultures than anything since the flu epidemics of the early part of the last century.

So the question must be asked as to why booze continues to be such a demon in this state in general, but in the Bush in particular. 

The statistics that are quoted with monotonous regularity seem to show that Bush

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It gets harder as I get older

Used to be that the dark and cold winters of Alaska didn’t bother me at all. Hell, I used to live in Barrow where the sun didn’t rise from the end of November until the end of January. I reveled in it. I loved the dark season.

But now I’m older and I’ve noticed that my energy level starts dropping as our daylight drops. By Christmas, I’ve reached the point where getting out of bed before 10 AM just seems like an imposition. Dressing to take the dogs for a walk seems to be an extremely arduous task, rewarded by

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A nice story for the new year

I sent my sister a rather expensive box of smoked salmon for Christmas… well, expensive for my budget. At any rate, I accidentally typed in the wrong address and sent the package to 405 instead of 415.  The nice people at 405 delivered the package to her, all salmon intact.  Either they really hate smoked salmon or they are very nice people. I’m going to believe they are very nice people.

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Here’s a suggestion

If you are ever feeling down and out, go to U Tube and watch the Susan Boyle video from Britain’s Got Talent. If that doesn’t leave you teary eyed and joyful, you have no soul.

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The law of diminishing expectations

When I was young, I wanted to be Mighty Mouse, a super hero to save the world. Then I wanted to be a doctor saving lives in mosquito infected jungles. Then I wanted to write the world’s greatest novel. Now I’ll settle for dying with all my original parts still on.

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Happy 2010

For those of you wondering how an almost famous columnist spends her glamorous new year’s eve, here’s the scoop. I spent it in bed with a sixty pound dog trying to burrow through my belly button into my intestines where she was sure she would finally find safety from the loud scary bangs that just wouldn’t stop.

I should have started drinking much earlier.

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Columns 2009

2009 Hall of Infamy

This was a pretty amazing year for nominations into my Hall of Infamy. Considering it was not an election year, I thought the pickings would be slim. But political pandering lives on in all its glory as seen by the machinations that led to a health care bill that was, quite frankly, hardly worth either the wait, the cost or the pandering.

But I digress. The Hall is about those who have caused such ickiness and disgust as to have risen above the usual sleazy suspects.

Let’s start with Dick Cheney who retired from active politics on January 20, 2009

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In answer to those inquiries

There are apparently some who wonder, in reference to yesterday’s entry, what I’m doing watching sleazy entertainment news shows. I can only say that when you are feeding and cleaning six birds and feeding and medicating two dogs every day, you need something mindless in the background. For mindless I had two choices… big mouth idiots like Limbaugh and Beck or inanely insipid entertainment news. I chose the lesser of two evils.

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