
Here’s what I don’t understand

All those commercials running on TV now claiming that this country can’t afford health care for its residents and begging people to call their senators and stop racking up gabillions in debt never mention that the three wars we are fighting are also putting us into debt. Not only that, but most of the money we have spent on “reconstructing” Iraq after choosing to destroy it for no valid reason in a war of choice is simply missing… unaccounted for or in projects that fall down as the last nail is hammered in. But no one seems to think it

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Now here’s the holiday spirit

This is a note I received after my Wednesday column in the Anchorage Daily News. This is what I’m talking about when I speak about the holiday spirit year round.

Ms. Patkotak, I thoroughly enjoyed your article on “Spreading Goodwill..” and shared it with my staff. In the true spirit of Christmas this year as well, we are excited to help those who are in need by offering a Free Dental Clinic to those who are in pain and discomfort and can’t afford their dental emergency because they are out of work and have no Dental Benefits. Being a service

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Columns 2009

Keep the spirit year round

Given the general discord in the country right now, it would seem as though any spirit of holiday good will would have to be a positive thing, one we should foster.

If you think about it, the person a large majority of this country celebrates at this holiday time, Jesus Christ, seems to have been a fellow who not only had good will but liked celebrating good times as much as the next guy. If not, why would he have turned all that water into wine when he was a wedding guest? Talk about the perfect wedding gift!

So having

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I love Bing Crosby on a lot of levels. I would love him even more if I didn’t have to listen to him incessantly singing about a White Christmas starting about Nov. 1 of each year. 

Am I really the only one for whom the constant Christmas music is starting just a little too early each year to be as special as it should be? Is there no creativity left in radio programming so that the only response they have to filling air time is playing Wayne Newton watching mommy kissing Santa Claus starting way too soon after Labor Day?

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A brief update for our gal, Temporary Sal

Well, it’s apparently official. Our gal Temporary Sal will be returning to the place where it all began to do a book signing at Elmendorf. And no, don’t bother getting all gussied up. It’s closed to the general public.  Yep, when Temporary Sal waves goodbye to us common folk, she really means goodbye.

But since I believe that in her heart she’s still just that little belle from Wasilla who stole our hearts and trust a scant few years ago, I also believe that she is probably still at least vaguely interested in what’s been happening in Alaska since she’s

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One too many Q-tips

I bought a box of Q-tips from Costco when I first moved to Anchorage ten years ago. Then I forgot that I did that and bought another box of Q-tips from Costco. Let there be no doubt in your mind that two boxes of Q-tips from Costco equate to more Q-tips than most families will use in a lifetime.

It occurs to me that when I die, the most valuable thing I will leave to my heirs is my stash of Q-tips. Please don’t fight over them. There’s more than enough to go around.

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Just saw today’s page

In case there is any doubt in anyone’s mind, I don’t have the faintest idea how to move the poster to the other side of the page. Sorry about that.

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This eagle needs you to care


We don’t know how this eagle injured his beak. It could be that someone shot her. It could have been an accident. All we know for sure is that she came into Bird TLC needing help, lots of it.

So as Christmas approaches and you wonder how you can help make the world a little better place besides all that money you’re spending at the malls, consider making a donation to Bird TLC here in Anchorage, Alaska. We are a volunteer powered operation that keeps the clinic doors open seven days a week through the sheer dedication and love our

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