
Do remotes just sense their leaders?

For some reason recently, whenever I watch a DVD and then try to go back to just watching my television, the remote for the TV doesn’t work. Once it was thought to be due to the fact that the DVD player was still on but subsequent investigation proved that wrong. The first time it happened, a young lady fixed it for me and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what she’d done to make it work. This time when it happened, I hit every damn button on all three remotes that I have… the one for the

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A question I must ask

So there is a picture in the paper of Sarah Palin on her book tour with her little daughter Piper. Piper is carrying Trigg.  And I can’t help but wonder if all of Sarah’s adoring conservative fans would be quite so adoring if a liberal politician was traveling the country using her two children for photo ops while one should be in school and the other should not be carried by the one who should be in school. I wonder how those conservatives would react and my answer is they would excoriate any liberal female politician who did what Palin

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Columns 2009

Happy Thanksgiving… and keep getting those mammograms

Here’s what I’m grateful for on this Thanksgiving. I’m grateful that two of my friends, both in their fifties, did not wait two years to get their next mammogram. Because if they had, both would have had well advanced tumors that may or may not have been treatable. And if the tumors had still been treatable, the treatment would have been much harsher and horrifying than it was.

Talking in abstracts about how many more lives are saved or not saved through an annual mammogram is one thing. Walking with a friend who stands a good chance of being around

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Democrats and Republicans

Here is a statement you can take to the bank for the level of truth it contains. You will never confuse being in a room full of Democrats with being in a room full of Republicans. The Dems seem to have a tent that includes EVERYONE… and I do mean EVERYONE.  Some of the people I have seen in gatherings of Democrats wouldn’t be allowed to bus tables at most Republican events.

The Republicans are going to have to buy a whole new tent if they want to start being even slightly as inclusive as the Dems are.

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Real patriotic Americans

Sarah Palin keeps exclaiming how happy she is to be once again among real, patriotic Americans.  I have to wonder where the hell she’s been spending her time… in an Al Qaida training camp?

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An argument for forced sterilization

Let’s see… two redneck crackers in the Valley decide that the way to toughen up a five year old boy is to make a blow torch out of a lighter, call him and when he comes to the door, light it. And they are shocked, shocked I tell you, that the boy got burned. But, all things considered, they really didn’t want to run up bills for something as irrelevant as the five year olds’ burnt head, so they didn’t bother going to the hospital. They were apparently so blase about it that they sent the kid to school after

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Turkey necks please

If you live here in the Anchorage area and do not use the turkey neck that comes with your holiday bird, toss it in a plastic bag into your freezer and drop it off at Bird TLC when you get a chance. Our eagles love to rip and gnaw on the neck. It helps keep their beaks trimmed and gives them something to occupy their time. It’s a way better idea than just throwing the neck out, isn’t it?

Check out our website at http://www.birdtlc.net for more info and some great pictures.

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True Panic

True panic is realizing the speech you were planning to write this weekend to give next weekend is, in fact, due to be given tonight.

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