
They won

Would someone please tell the Democrats that they won the last election and should stop letting the Republicans define the terms of any debate. Sheesh!

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Why can I no longer take a plane trip without getting sick 10 days to 2 weeks later?

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So there I am last night, driving home at the end of a wonderful day in which my friend and I had a lovely walk with the dogs on a gorgeous fall day, a meal at the Perfect Cup (the place we used to sit at 20 years ago wondering how many years she had until the kids would sleep through the night) and then went to see Julia and Julie. And there they were, trotting down the road about a block from my house… a mom and a baby moose. They were so sleek and brown and healthy looking

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Bye Bye Birdie 2009

Come to Bye Bye Birdie this afternoon at Bird TLC’s property on Old Seward where the Rabbit Hutch used to be. There will be games and presentations of ed birds, a bird calling contest and an eagle release. Really, what else could you have planned that would be half as much fun. Go to http://www.birdtlc.net for details. The fun begins at noon.

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How can you resist him?


This is the “baby” sandhill crane that came to Bird TLC this summer after finding out that no matter how big he thought he was, the dog was bigger. When he arrived, he fit in a little basket. Then he grew and grew and grew. Now he’s at the flight pens learning to be a crane so he can be released with a flock and learn how to migrate and someday have a family of his own. Until then, though, the volunteers at Bird TLC are still making sure he has all the superworms he needs to continue to grow…

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Columns 2009

Pathetic little losers

Probably the most pathetic thing about the recent attack on a Native street person here in Anchorage is that it really wasn’t about racism per se. No, it was really about two losers who could only feel better about themselves if they found someone they could somehow feel superior to.  In Alaska, our Native people are all too often the group these losers pick on when they have to find someone to make their sad little lives look better. So long as they can pretend there is someone lower on the social ladder, they believe they aren’t the bottom of

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Ah, earthquakes

Earthquakes that happen when I work just throw me completely off kilter.  I like them better when I’m in bed and wake up thinking that it’s just some dream that rocked my night.

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The inadvertent gardener

I discovered a bag of bird seed last month that may or may not have been a little old. The fact that I “discovered” it in a little viewed section of a box was enough to convince me that I shouldn’t attempt to feed it to my parrots. However, I figured it shouldn’t have to go to waste so I dumped it in a corner of my yard where the dirt had long ago won the battle with any grass that might have thought it wanted to grow there. That way, the wild birds could pick through it and have

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I have company this week so I actually went out and did food shopping for a family situation. I left the store wondering how anyone could afford to feed a family. And forget it if teenage boys are involved. You’d have to mortgage the house to keep them full.

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