
Just what America needs

As of August 1, an apparently insane individual will be allowed to post online the directions for printing your own gun at home on your 3D printer.

Yep. No more waiting in those long lines at the gun store. No more waking up in the middle of the night because you forgot to print a dozen for your kid’s class the next day. No more last minute panic because you forgot to buy a secret Santa gift. And if someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night… well, given an hour or so to print a gun, Continue reading →


Nayla, The Protectress

Somehow a fly got in my house. Given my aversion to the outdoors and my reluctance to let any of it indoors, this particular fly must have slipped in during the three seconds the door is open to let the dogs in or out.

At any rate, the one fly that made it in was one of the buzzing ones. I found this out when I got in bed, turned on my reading lights and tried to relax. Wasn’t going to happen. That damned fly would give me just enough time to get settled and then it would buzz me Continue reading →


Please stop picking on them

In a world full of nuclear weapons, racial hate, national divide and neighborly distrust, do we really need that POS currently sullying the White House to be focusing on the NFL. I mean, no offense to the NFL. I gather from the madness surrounding the Super Bowl that it has a lot of fairly fanatical fans. And good for them.

But there are also a lot of us out here who don’t really give a crap. Which is why POS’ focus on whether or not a player is kneeling or standing during the national anthem is really just another attempt Continue reading →


So this is evangelical Christianity

I have to say that I was never attracted to the evangelical arm of Christianity until Melted Orange Goo became their hero. Based on their continued support of him and his actions, I have to say it looks like evangelicals must be having a much better time than their public persona would imply.

So I want in on the fun. I want to be able to lie, cheat, steal, mock the disabled, taunt the dying, destroy families, insult half the human race by grabbing their private parts, and generally not give a damn what it says in the Bible because Continue reading →


She fits right in

News excerpt about the female Russian spy recently indicted:

“The gun-loving Russian woman charged with being an unregistered foreign agent and cozying up to politicians to infiltrate the U.S. political system tried to swap sex for influence, prosecutors alleged Wednesday.”

Is there anyone left alive on this earth who is surprised that sex was being used for influence in this administration? Isn’t inappropriate sex of just about every form and shape imaginable the hallmark of Orange Goo’s supplicants as they destroy our country? It started with Goo and seems to have happily spread throughout his acolytes. That the NRA, that Continue reading →


Quote of the Week… and it’s not what you’re thinking

Here is the quote of the week, and it has nothing to do with election meddling, Russia or the fact that Orange Goo is basically Putin’s whipping boy.

“The full faith and support for America’s intelligence agencies – I have a full faith in our intelligence agencies,” Trump said in remarks preceding a meeting with House of Representatives Republicans about possible future tax cuts.”

Now make sure to read the last six words very carefully.

That’s right. As we enter an era of trillion dollar debt adding up exponentially each day thanks to the recent tax reform passed by Republicans Continue reading →


Where are all the damn patriots?

C’mon… you know who you are. The patriots who were anguished over the kneeling football players… the patriots who wear flag lapel pins to prove that they are first and foremost American through and through… the patriots who fill Orange Goo’s rallies, waving flags, wearing flag clothing, screaming America First. Where are you all as your president sides with Russia over American intelligence backed up by pages upon pages of facts.

Where are you, all you POS’ followers, wearing the MAGA caps? Does being Putin’s whipping boy – the one who walks behind the other guy, the one who waits Continue reading →


Enemy of the people

So according to Orange Goo, the Democrats only know how to obstruct progress and the media is the enemy of the people.  Allow me to politely disagree.

First of all, the Dems seem to be most adept at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. To imply that they are organized enough, coherent enough and unified enough to obstruct anything is just stupid. Oh yeah, and they don’t have the votes in Congress to block almost anything PigFace wants to do. In fact, if you want to talk about great obstructionists, how about Merrick Garland’s fate at the hands of Continue reading →


Something we have in common with Russia

No, it’s not having a strong leader. Their leader is a despot who kills at will regardless of national boundaries. America’s current occupant in the White House is a bragadocious bully who would run from the first sign of any physical confrontation and then claim he won by a knockout.  No, here’s what we have in common with the majority of Russians:

“The poll by Russian Public Opinion Research Center concluded that only 10 percent of respondents have a favorable view of Trump, 20 percent had no opinion on the matter while 71 percent had an unfavorable view on the Continue reading →