
Thunder and lightning

Well, I now know that thunder and lightning also freak out Blondie.  I’m ready now on New Year’s Eve for a sixty pound dog to try to leap in my lap when the fireworks start and try to claw her way under my skin for protection. But I must say I was totally unprepared for the same reaction when the first thunder clap sounded.  You really don’t know the meaning of being startled until a dog…did I mention she weighs in at sixty pounds…runs across a run and tries to leap into your lap as you sit at your computer. 

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Has he nothing better to do?

I’m watching the Olympics the other night and there is good old George W, the man who’s still our president, having a good old time watching the swimming. And all I could think was, “Really? Is this how irrelevant you have finally become? We are at war. Our economy sucks. People are losing their homes. Some have no idea how they will heat their houses this winter. Many have no way to pay for the medical care they need to save their lives. And you sit in China watching the Olympics as though none of this has anything to do

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Old friends

You should keep old friends around for a lot of reasons. And this is one of the best. When you can’t remember the name of someone from the old neighborhood or the name of the nun that taught you in fourth grade or where the piano recitals were held for Mrs. Kramer’s students, she’s there to not remember with you.

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My friend Caroline


This is my friend Caroline with a very nice, if somewhat clueless, lady and a very scary man. She is receiving an award for her volunteer work. She deserves it. What she doesn’t deserve is the shower I’m going to make her take to wash that man’s cooties off her before she can come back in my house. I can’t believe she let him touch her!

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Let me see if I have this straight?

Ted Stevens not only wants his trial to happen quickly but also to happen in Anchorage….well, there you go. You can’t buy that kind of wonderful campaign publicity. Right next to your “Re-elect Ted Stevens” ad in the paper will be the story on the latest sleazy revelations from his trial. Yep. That should help his campaign no end. AND….do it in Anchorage where the local media will be all over it like butter on toast.  Maybe Ted’s thinking he’s more interested in an acquittal so he doesn’t spend his waning years in jail than in actually getting re-elected and

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While in the “coming clean” about things mode….

I also feel compelled to admit that while I may bitch and moan about the rain, I actually like the cool weather. I would not be unhappy if it never got above sixty degrees. That’s my cut off point for cool and comfortable versus hot and miserable.  And if I have to take the rain to get the cool weather, so be it.

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Columns 2008

A little perspective

I sat at my computer wondering what I could say that would be fresh or different about the sad news wracking our state in waves. One investigation, indictment or conviction barely makes if off the front page before another takes its place. And whether it is a sitting United States senator or an ex-state representative, it generates great sadness at the way power can corrupt even those who might have started out honorably.

After Senator Stevens’ indictments, I considered simply writing, “We’re Number One!” because I’m pretty sure we have now passed New Jersey for most corrupt politics in the

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My brain is finally fried

I can think of nothing creative to say today.  Is this the beginning of total brain fade?  Oh lord. I knew it would eventually come but hoped it wouldn’t start until I was at least collecting social security. Maybe it’s just a passing moment…though if I can’t remember anything anymore, how will I know when it passed or remember it was here. Now my brain really hurts.

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The truth must be told

So many people have asked this question that I feel compelled to come clean about the timing on my blog entries. Although I blog every day, the times when I do vary wildly. At some point I chose sometime in the 3 AM bracket to have that day’s blog entry appear. My blog machine, or whatever it’s called, allows me to choose the time the blog entry shows up on the site. So for all you who wonder how I can be so brilliant/stupid/funny/dull/idiotic/dense/insightful at 3 AM, the truth is that if I am awake at 3 AM is probably

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It never rains but it pours

On a good week in the winter here, I could drop dead and no one would find me until my body was so decomposed that even the dogs wouldn’t eat it. Come summer…..there are so many visitors and activities that the rest I would get dropping dead and not being found almost sounds attractive.

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