
I am so cool

I went to the store the other day with my usual load of cloth bags.  As I checked out, the bagger wanted to put my Cornish game hens, which were already double wrapped in plastic, into a plastic bag in case some drop of moisture should escape their double wrap and touch the cloth.  I explained that the bags were quite washable and that I did not want any extra plastic if I could avoid it. To which the young man checking me out replied, “You rock”. So now it’s official. I rock. 

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I’m the decider

I find myself wondering if Bush has little dialogs in his head with one voice saying “I’m the decider” and then another voice comes in and says, “I’m the decider”.  And then another voice comes in, let’s call this voice “Reality” and says, “No, you would need a brain capable of holding two thoughts at once in order to be a decider.” And then I realize that this could never really happen because that would be three voices at once in his brain and it would probably explode from the pressure. So could someone very slowly and gently explain to

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This is where I draw the line

I brought my diabetic dog to the vet this week to see if I could use my blood-testing machine to test her blood daily for better diabetic control.  Right!

Actually, my blood tester would have worked except that no matter where we pricked Blue, we didn’t get enough blood. We tried her ear, her back, her belly and, when the vet started trying around her butt, I called a halt to the proceedings by announcing I was not pricking my dog’s butt on a daily basis. That, apparently, is where I draw the line. 

I don’t know who was more

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Bird TLC auction

For all you Anchorageans out there who read this, go over to the Bird TLC website and check out our online auction as well as info on our big auction next Saturday at the ConocoPhillips atrium. It sounds like it’s going to be a great night..how can it not be with Mr. Whitekeys doing the hosting?  Tickets are available and the birds will appreciate your help. Bird TLC is our wildbird rehab center in Anchorage and it is totally volunteer driven so we can use all the help…and money…you can give.  http://www.birdtlc.net

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Birthday parties have changed for kids

I have all kinds of pictures of me and my childhood friends at birthday parties. We are sitting around someone’s kitchen table with dorky hats on, a homemade cake in the center and a smiling/grimacing parent in the background.  Nary a stretch limo in sight.  In fact, I’d venture to guess that my parents’ attitude would be that children do not belong in a stretch limo. On a good day, my dad barely wanted us in his car for fear of the damage we’d do.  Now, kids’ parties include live entertainment and stretch limos. Our live entertainment was tossing icing

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Columns 2007

Are citizen legislators possible?

A few years ago, my cousin’s son announced he was not as amused as he thought he might be in his job as a newspaper reporter in a small town.  Many in the family were thrilled with this decision because, quite honestly, most of my family does not view writing as an actual career choice.  Their happiness at the decision lasted only until he informed his parents of his next career move.  He was going to go back to school to get his doctorate in philosophy.

I happened to be visiting the East Coast soon after he made this pronouncement. 

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Parents should be licensed

I think it’s time we demand that anyone who plans to be a parent get licensed to prove they are minimally older mentally and emotionally than the children they plan to have.  It’s an idea whose time has come.

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Here’s what I’m not worried about

If HIllary Clinton wins the presidency, I’m not at all concerned that Bill will actually be running things instead of her.  I think she’ll run her own presidency. Here’s what I am worried about…that our news media will be so dicombobulated by a female president that they will spend more time commenting on what she wore to a summit meeting and who’s advising her on makeup than on what she said.  Am I being pessimistic? Well, I live in Alaska where our press can’t seem to get over the fact that our governor, probably one of the most competent women

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American Idol = Gladiators and Coliseum

I have never watched American Idol for no other reason than that I figure if I’m going to waste my time watching TV, the people on it should at least have a modicum of proven talent which they are using in some coherent fashion to amuse me.  But as I read more and more about it, I find myself wondering if this is not just our refined version of the Roman coliseum with the blood thirsty crowd screaming for death to the loser.  Humanity really hasn’t come all that far, has it? The only real difference is that we sit

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A serious moment, if I may

My cousin has sent me an article from the NY Times stating that it is now ok to have curly hair and there are now products that help those of use who suffer from curly frizz so that our curls will look good when styled.  Apparently we no long need to sleep on coke cans or iron our hair.  Why couldn’t this fashion decision have come when I still had enough hair to matter?  With all I lost during menopause, I barely have enough to cover my head.

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