
You might as well put the hands on midnight

You know that nuclear clock that tracks how close the world is to blowing itself up in a nuclear war? Well, the POS currently sullying the White House has pushed the arms of that clock straight to midnight. I expect him to destroy us and contaminate this planet with nuclear fall out before the end of this year.

Every other 1st world nation and our own state department confirms that Iran is living up to its end of the bargain. Every other signatory to this deal calls it a diplomatic coup d’etat in successfully created a program that allows boots Continue reading →


Here’s what really discourages me the most

Sure, the POS currently sullying the White House carries the most responsibility for fostering hate, discrimination, homophobia and just about every other worse impulse in human nature. But he couldn’t win with that strategy if there weren’t a lot of homophobes and racists in America. And that’s what I find the most discouraging.

I had no idea the veneer of tolerance and compassion was so thin in America. POS didn’t have to scratch the surface very hard to find hundreds of thousands of people who feel they finally have someone who speaks to them. And that someone is a racist, Continue reading →


I don’t like Kanye either but…

Kanye West is clearly a troubled individual. Whether his bizarre behavior is a product of drug abuse or a mental health challenge that he should be taking meds for, he has clearly got some significant issues in his life. And honestly, if he was just an ass like the one in the White House, I’d have no problem heaping abuse on him for his insane comment about slavery being a choice of the slaves. (Someone please give this guy a dictionary so he can look up the definition of the word “slave”.) But he is clearly mentally ill. And people Continue reading →


We’ve always accepting lying as part of politics

Politicians lying to the public are as common as rain in the rain forest and as old as humanity’s first attempt at political organization. We accept that politicians will say or do just about anything to get elected. We filter what they say through our minds and decide what is wheat and what is chaff. And for each of us, the answer can be different.

But I truly think we have crossed the line when we accept that an elected president… someone already in office, campaign over… would blatantly lie over and over and over – and get caught in Continue reading →


So this is what it’s come to…

Monday mornings are not, for the most part, anyone’s favorite mornings. But waking up in an America ruled by the POS currently sullying the White House and his syncophants on the Hill is especially depressing and unnerving.

Let’s start with POS once again threatening to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal. I guess in a way it could be a blessing… getting nuked is looking more and more enticing when put up against more years of this rotting orange peel.  The we have a prostitute suing him for defamation. Yep, for all of you wishing he would get impeached, Continue reading →


Here’s something I will never understand

if Christians believe there is a heaven and it’s a wonderful place to be, why do they fight so hard to keep people alive who have no quality of life or any chance of achieving any in the near or distant future? What is their point? That they don’t really believe as much as just hope? That their needs outweigh the needs of the terminally ill patient?

The little boy who just died in London had been on life support for a year while a degenerative brain disease left him in a semi-vegetative state. Without mechanical life support, he would Continue reading →


What’s the point?

What is the point of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner? And who in their right mind would agree to be the host? You get asked to a dinner that is based on satire, humor and bashing icons that the rest of the year you have to pretend to respect.  You do your best and then, when the dinner is over, you get completely trashed for being mean. Every year as this event gears up and starts looking for a host, I imagine comedians all over the country peer at their phones with fear that they will get the call.

And Continue reading →


All those covers

Some people on the far right have been complaining that as beautiful as Melania is, she hasn’t gotten anywhere near the number of magazine covers that Michelle Obama had.

Aside from how silly this question is  (seriously, how many glamorous magazine covers were Laura Bush or Hillary Clinton on?), let’s look at some other reasons why these publications seemingly favored Michelle.

1. Michelle looked like she was having fun and enjoyed being First Lady. Melania doesn’t.

2. Michelle and her husband actually seemed to love each other and that gave her a glow. Melania looks like she wishes she could Continue reading →


I sound more coherent on drugs!

I sound more coherent while under the influence of anesthesia or pot than the POS currently sullying the White House does when taking his morning dump while ostensibly sober.

Seriously, did you hear his incoherent ramblings on the Trump News Channel yesterday? Even they had to cut him off for fear he would continue to ramble right through lunch, assuming an aide didn’t come to take him off the toilet. More than a year after the election, this orange turd is still fixated on Hillary and how she took the popular vote. He’s still insisting he’s done nothing wrong even Continue reading →


And another pig drops

I was once one of the most faithful viewers of the Cosby Show… except for one episode that I always thought was odd and creepy. It’s called Barbecue and, for those of you not up on the show, it involved a barbecue sauce that Cosby concocted that made you sleepy and apparently very sexy to those around you. There’s a scene of son-in-law Alvin caressing his wife’s neck as she leans against him with a sleepy, dreamy look on her face after ingesting the sauce. The message I got from this episode was that women apparently liked sex when they Continue reading →