
My heart breaks

Just got word that our Bird TLC family lost one of its dearest members. Hal, an education eagle that had been with us for thirty years, passed away on Sunday morning after thrilling people at our Bird TLC auction just the night before.

Hal was one of our most capable and entrancing ed eagles. His initial injuries as a very young bird precluded his release back to the wild. So he spent his life as an ambassador to our world from his. He was one helluva an ambassador too. When his eyes focused on you, it was as if he Continue reading →


So now we don’t respect the law?

As long as I can remember (and I’m a baby boomer from the very beginning of the boom so I’ve been around for a while) the Republican Party has stood as the party of law and order and respect for the men and women who serve to protect us. Now I find out that the FBI is full of lying sacks of shit who can’t be trusted as far as we can throw them. Yep, the new Republican Party seems to be a party of chaos and misdirection in its efforts to keep Russia from ever entering the front door Continue reading →


Are you kidding me?

Let me see if I have this straight before my head explodes.  The POS currently sullying the White House wants the Russian investigation ended and seems willing to fire everyone standing in his path on the issue. Meanwhile, the NRA is being investigated for taking money from foreign nationals… read Russians… to give to the Trump campaign. Yes, the same NRA whose butt Trump has firmly stuck his nose up.

Now just for a moment, imagine the president’s name is, I don’t know, let’s say Obama (God don’t we all wish!) and all this was happening. The Republicans’ heads would Continue reading →


An interesting question

A friend of mine had a dinner party in which the husbands of two friends spent a good part of the evening drinking and commiserating on how terrible it is to be a white man in American today because they are so abused and misunderstood and denied their rightful place in society. My friend could only listen for so long before she got up and left. Before leaving, she looked at these two white men and asked them if they were so unhappy bearing the burden of being a white man in American today, then what color would they prefer Continue reading →



If the Anchorage Daily News gets any thinner, it would probably be cheaper for them to just pay someone to go around and tell subscribers what the news is. I understand that they are going through a readjustment but so far, much of the adjustment just stinks. The remnants of their editorial page is just pathetic. Ask Amy anchoring a news or obit page is simply wrong. And why they even bother with the page of national and international news that they hide somewhere amidst the classifieds is just stupid.

C’mon, guys. At a minimum put out some money for Continue reading →


Voting by mail

So I did it. I just mailed in my first vote by mail ballot. And it was, as they promised, soooooo easy.

I think what I liked best is that I could fill it out while sitting at my desk near my computer. Each time I hit a slate of candidates and wasn’t sure of who I should vote for, I just went online and read their material and then voted. Way cool. Continue reading →


The number is $18 billion

$18 billion – the estimated cost of constructing a wall to keep immigrants out of America or, if this administration continues down its hate filled, pussy grabbing ways, to keep Americans from fleeing to Mexico.

My question is how the wall will effectively increase security on all the tunnels being used from Mexico to the US.  Also, does the POS currently sullying the WH really think that someone in Mexico won’t enjoy the challenge of building a contraption that gets you over the wall and down the other side? Or is that his plan so that border patrol agents can Continue reading →


A question

Since Mike Pence’s wife has chosen art therapy as her particular field of interest, does this mean her husband is allowed to be in a room alone with a painting or sculpture of a women – naked or clothed? Continue reading →


Why I’ll never understand dogs

Nayla goes out in the backyard and eats something that clearly had been dead one day too long to be digestible. So for the next few days, I can’t walk anywhere in my house without first looking down for barf on the floor. The poop… little puddles all over the house… were easily traceable by smell.

I felt so sorry for her. She wouldn’t eat anything. Just wanted to hide in a corner and sleep. Looked so pathetic. And then one day, she woke up and decided to eat. Guess she decided life was worth living again.

And what was Continue reading →


Rats scurrying away from a sinking ship

The exodus from the WH, whether voluntary or involuntary, looks like nothing more than rats deserting a sinking ship before it hits rock bottom. On the other hand, given the POS currently sullying the White House, one wonders just how far down rock bottom really is.

Any supervisor with this rate of employee turnover, especially if you were the supervisor who hired the employee, would have been fired by now or demoted to mail clerk… hmmm, do companies still have mail clerks?

Anyhow, seems as though we will be treated to a new administration every year until POS manages to Continue reading →