
What do the NCIS producers have against women?

Is it just me or do the producers of the NCIS franchise have a thing against women? By my count, Gibbs on NCIS lost his first wife to a drug dealer and his second or third (ex) wife to a bullet to the head while he walked with her. DiNozzo lost the mother of his child to a bomb. Director Vance lost his wife to an attack on his house. Kate, the original woman on the team, also died by a gunshot to the head. The female NCIS director, Jenny Shepard, died in a hail of bullets. And now, over
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Columns 2017

Adapting to changing circumstances

Some weeks seem worse than others. This past week was particularly troublesome. We saw a local politician claiming women in Alaska got pregnant to get free trips to Anchorage for abortions. We saw our national representative vote for a healthcare bill that would make rape a pre-existing condition but still mandate insurance coverage of Viagra. And we watched our state senate continue to hide out in Juneau in an attempt to never return to their constituents to face their wrath.

What I do when I find the world crashing in on my head in a really bad way is to Continue reading →


Just when you think Trump has sucked all the sleaze into himself, we get proof more exists.

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Lest there be any doubt left, Wasilla Republican Representative David Eastman is a pig. And on so many levels, that’s an insult to pigs. His head is so far up his ass, he can smell his breath.

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Columns 2017

Ignorance is not bliss

When did it start? When did the idea that being smart, educated and/or sophisticated become a bad thing? When did voters decide that no experience, no expertise and no skills were what made someone qualified to run our government?

I’m pretty sure that if these same voters went to the emergency room with arterial bleeding, they would want someone who actually went to school to learn how to stop it for their doctor. If they needed open-heart surgery they wouldn’t just tap the janitor on the shoulder as they went into the operatory and ask him to perform the surgery Continue reading →


Free speech

]           I think it goes without saying that I agree with almost nothing Ann Coulter says. But I will march shoulder to shoulder with her in defending her right to say it. We currently have an administration in Washington that seems determined to undermine so much of what most Americans hold valuable, be it the separation of powers or the distaste for nepotism. If we lose our right to free speech, we will truly lose ourselves as a nation and deserve to be relegated to the trash heap of history.

Free speech is the cornerstone of all we stand for. Continue reading →


Ah dogs…

Woke up this morning to find Snowy sleeping on top of Carm and Carm snoring peacefully underneath Snowy’s not inconsiderable bulk. Tried to get a picture but the minute I moved, they separated like two married lovers caught in flagrante delecto… or whatever that phrase is. I took almost six years of Latin but that was back in my misspent youth when I thought reading Cicero in the original was cool. I was wrong. Very, very wrong. Continue reading →