Columns 2016

A profile in political courage

After seeing some of the pieces written by other columnists in this paper, I hesitated to write another one about Governor Walker and his vetoes. Then I realized that any politician willing to show the level of courage he has in facing reality and dealing with it deserves as much print as he can get.  Gov. Walker’s vetoes last week affected everyone and made people on all ends of the political spectrum angry. I view that as a sure sign that he’s doing something right.

As a supporter of public broadcasting, education and programs for the elderly and young, I Continue reading →


Elie Wiesel

This is what a true profile in courage looks like. In the end, he buried them with words, wisdom and justice. Makes our current crop of politicians look absolutely pathetic. Continue reading →


The joy of rediscovery

Having company who have never been to Alaska means taking them around to show them our glorious state and in doing so, we rediscover what we fell in love with in the first place. Alaska truly is astounding and sometimes we forget how astounding until we see it through a visitor’s eyes.
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Columns 2016

The Constitution was created to allow changes

America’s birthday is rapidly approaching and, as it does, we should all spend at least a brief moment between hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill to contemplate that fact. It was not a given that we would survive our rebellion against England. It was not a given that disparate groups from 13 very different colonies would be able to come up with a document that all would sign. What our forefathers did was compromise in order to achieve the greater good of nationhood.

Yes, I said compromise. That tends to be a dirty word in today’s America. We all have Continue reading →



Came home from the store to find four young magpies on my lawn. They were clearly new out of the nest and just getting the hang of flying. They started running across the lawn as I pulled up and the adults showed up in short order to protect their babes. The little ones started to vocalize and I immediately recognized the sounds as those I’d been hearing coming from a nest outside my bedroom window. I guess the kids are all grown up and getting ready to leave home. I can now leave the bathroom window open on hot days Continue reading →


Needed: Dried, dead mosquitoes

Do you have a mosquito trap in your yard in Anchorage? If so, Bird TLC is in desperate need of mosquitoes for some of the baby birds we care for this time of year. So don’t throw all the dried mosquitoes out. Bring them to Bird TLC at 7800 King Street. It’s the circle of life! Continue reading →


Paining the town a very light red

My friend and I got all dressed up to go to dinner on a fine Saturday night in June in the metropolis known as South Anchorage. We’ve been doing this for a lot of years. In our youth, the nights would start late and end early. Well, we still have the early part down pat. We are proud to announce that, despite not making the target goal of 8:30, we painted the town pink until 8:15. Continue reading →


Two days to go

I will revel in the peace and quiet of the weekend knowing that on Monday The Family descends on me for a week. My house if clean, my fence is straight, my porch has flowers and my refrigerator has milk for the boys.
Come on in, Mushovics! My home is anxiously awaiting you. Continue reading →