Columns 2016


It’s been a pretty rough summer so far. Nothing seems to indicate it will get any better. I thought that perhaps it would help if we all stepped back, took a deep breath and talked about something that isn’t politics, terrorism or racial divisions. So let’s talk about porches and neighborhoods.

I have pictures of my dad’s mom, my nonna, sitting on a folding chair in front of our grocery store. She watched the world go by, visited with just about every customer that came in the store and enjoyed just being “in the neighborhood”.  I have a similar picture Continue reading →


Making the dogs nuts

I was ready to settle down on the porch with a Long Island ice tea and New York Magazine when I took a perhaps too big sip. Suddenly column ideas flooded my brain. I ran inside to document them and then went back out. But I no sooner got outside than I had another idea and ran back inside. This in and out went on for more times than I care to admit.

Question – dogs can’t legally file commitment papers, right? Continue reading →


Hair style?

I have finally accepted that when I do my own hair each day, I don’t have a hair style as much as I have combed hair. But at least it’s presentable… kinda. Continue reading →


Alaskan attire

In general, people in Alaska have a much more relaxed dress code than people in the lower 48. When Judy comes to Alaska, she says she knows she’s going in the right direction because the closer she gets, the more she sees people who dress like me. And I don’t believe she means that as a compliment. So the one truly lovely restaurant I want to take you to will be inhabited by people in business wear, tourist wear, the occasional carharts and everything in between. We don’t stand on ceremony much up here. So long as you have clothes

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Here’s a good pick for VP for Trump

Mel Gibson. He’s made it clear he shares many of Trump’s more… shall we say troublesome… views. And he hasn’t been working much lately so he probably has the time. I’d suggest Clint Eastwood but after that talking chair thing… well, best to let him fade in peace and not destroy the image he worked so hard to build. Continue reading →

Columns 2016

it feels like the 60s again… and not in a good way

I came of age in the 1960s. My memories of the early sixties involved sock hops, Ricky Nelson and bubblegum rock. But as the sixties wore on, things changed. By the middle to late sixties, summers became almost a time of dread as America braced itself for another season of race riots. I’m starting to get a strange sense of déjà vu all over again.

Shocking as this may sound to some, electing our first African-American president did not end race problems in America. We are no more in a post racial period than I am a size 10. And, Continue reading →


In my head

I picture Republicans hiding behind their desks and not answering their phones for fear they will be asked to offer themselves up as a sacrificial lamb in the form of Trump’s VP. Continue reading →



Doesn’t Trump look like a hybrid of a human and overripe cantaloupe? Though I have noticed in recent appearances that his hair is looking more normal… not normal, but just more normal, not so much rising off his forehead. Maybe this is his way of being presidential? Continue reading →