
Stephen Miller speaks for the real POS

Everyone seems so horrified that someone as evil as Stephen Miller can be in the White House speaking for this administration while laughing at pictures of children screaming and crying while separated from their parents.

I may be horrified but I’m not surprised. Let me explain.

I’ve know more than one marriage where one partner was a total asshole and the other seemed to be the nicest person in the world. Everyone who knew them wondered why they stayed together given how incompatible they seemed. It took me awhile but I eventually figured it out. They were perfect together because Continue reading →


Big whoop

Yeah, I’m glad Creamsickle Goo is going to sign an order stopping the separation of children and parents at the border. But don’t ask me to give him credit for undoing a despicable act that he initiated in the first place. Realistically, I think we can all agree he is not signing this for humanitarian reasons. He did it because his party was already bleeding from his actions in the upcoming midterms and this was just turning that bleed into an arterial gush.

So the next question is clearly what about the over 2000 children already taken from their parents Continue reading →


I want to be on the Space Patrol

Space Patrol. Sounds like an animated 60s TV series seen on Saturday mornings over your Sugar Pops. But it isn’t. It’s the latest brain fart from the POS trying to turn our attention away from the horrors he is committing at our borders. So the same man who last week said he canceled the war games with South Korea because they were too expensive, now wants to create a whole new arm of the military and claim space for America, and America alone.

I don’t even know where to start with this because it is so damn stupid. I mean, Continue reading →


Finally, an Alaskan with balls

Sen. Lisa Murkowski has found her courage and put out a strong statement condemning what is happening to children at our border. Of course, she would be the first to find her balls and do this. Dan Sullivan and Don Young are still apparently waiting in line at the White House for Creamsickle to hand their balls back to them.

Once again, a woman leads the way. Continue reading →


Anne Coulter is evil incarnate

It was one of those headlines that are so unbelievable that you stop immediately to reread it because you know you couldn’t have read it right the first time. But you did. Anne Coulter has called the children crying and screaming when separated from their parents at the border, “child actors”.

I didn’t think you could sink any lower than the orange slime currently occupying the White House but she has. She has taken the crying pain of little children being separated from their mothers and, in order I’m guessing to keep her high paying job, has called them fake. Continue reading →


Giuliani has drunk too deeply

I understand that you have to drink the kool-aid in order to remain with the current administration in DC. Clearly if you don’t drink enough, you will go running into the night sooner rather than later as evidenced by the rush of staff out the door of the White House. But Rudy Giuliani has definitely drunk that one cup too many and he has finally fallen over the line into complete idiocy.

Of course, in this administration, being a complete idiot helps. But not in Rudy’s case. In Rudy’s case, his mouth is all over the media making the most Continue reading →


Just when I thought we could not sink any lower

Yep, that POS currently casting slime and shit all over our White House has managed to open a door in the floor we didn’t even know was there so we could sink even lower in the world’s estimation. And, quite frankly, in the estimation of a lot of Americans who are positively bewildered by how quickly POS has managed to turn us into a mini-me Putin style Russia.

What was that door he found, you ask? It’s the door he opened when he said that separating children from their parents was a way to gain political leverage in his immigration Continue reading →


You are complicit and you are guilty

Just in case they didn’t see my tweet, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Sen. Dan Sullivan and Rep. Don Young – your silence and inaction as children are ripped screaming from their parents under orders of this vile administration makes you complicit and as guilty as those physically dragging those children from their parents. Shame on you and your colleagues. Shame. Shame. Shame. And don’t you dare call yourself Christians. You are a disgrace to true Christianity.
Oh yeah, happy father’s day. Continue reading →


Orange Goo should be scaring the crap out of us all

That melted pile of Creamsickle goo in the White House has now called Kim Jung Un a funny, nice person who is a great leader whose people respect him and sit up straight for him when he speaks. Yep. That’s right. A man who murders his family, puts anyone who doesn’t act exactly as he demands into gulags where, if they don’t die, he kills them before they can leave. His people are REQUIRED to attend every event and are REQUIRED to smile and clap and be happy. If they aren’t, there are plenty of fellow citizens who have been Continue reading →


Alaska’s Markie Mark – an ego that just won’t quit

Mark Begich threw his hat into the gubernatorial race here in Alaska claiming that clamoring voices have been begging him to run. Really? Clamoring voices? People urging you to run? Aside from your family who want you out of the house, exactly who were these people? The three Democrats in Alaska?

Bill Walker has been a good and decent governor. He walked a middle line, something almost impossible in today’s bifurcated world. He made tough decisions with no muss, no fuss and no drama. Again, I certainly don’t agree with him on everything he believes or does. But I’ve lived Continue reading →