
a follow up on the bees

Went walking with the dogs along the same path as the one we took the day the bees attacked. As we got closer to the driveway that had harbored the bees, both Blue and Blondie moved to the opposite side of the road. Blue in particular decided that she wanted to walk right next to my leg. In fact, if I’d have let her, she would have preferred to crawl up my leg and hide until we passed the driveway. When she realized that wasn’t going to happen, she went over and got next to Blondie, placing Blondie between her

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Boy, I guess I must have taken a longer nap than I thought because when I woke up, I found that Palin had abdicated being governor of Alaska and somehow the McCain campaign had been elected in her place.  I don’t want to put too fine a point on this but, as an Alaskan, I must ask. What the hell is going on? Why are McCain’s people answering questions, holding press conferences and getting their noses and other body parts in the middle of Alaska issues. Hell, McCain came in a distant third in the Republican presidential primary here. So

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My dogs and I were attacked by a swarm of bees this week. How was your week?

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Something that may amuse you

Those of my faithful readers who have some strange desire to learn about the more insane workings of my mind as I write should head over to http://49writers.blogspot.com and check out an interview I did there with Andromeda Romano-Lax.  Fair warning…it may destroy all illusions you have about the way a writer’s mind forms thoughts and opinions.  Alas, you will find that with the exception of gods like Charles Dickens, most of us are all too mortal and pedantic in our creative process.

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Columns 2008

McCain made cynical choice

There was a time when I thought John McCain really was a different kind of politician, one who would put his country above his personal desire for grandeur. I stopped thinking that the day he announced Sarah Palin as his running mate. The sheer hubris that went into that selection simply takes my breath away.

Sarah Palin is untested and untried. There were dozens of other people much more qualified to be McCain’s running mate who would not have caused people to question how ready they’d be to take over if something happened to McCain. To my mind, it’s fairly

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And so it ends…

The last of my summer visitors have left. I have accepted I will have no raspberries from my bushes this year. It has now been raining for about four months. I look forward to the snow. But mostly, I look forward to the end of our long national nightmare called the Current Occupants in Washington DC.

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Fall has arrived

I know it’s autumn when my house starts looking like a blood bath has occurred every day. Yep. It’s pomegranate season and each day my birds dive head first into the fruit’s red seeds and don’t come up for air until they have shaken all the juice in sheer joy all over my walls and floors. Ah the joys of being a bird mom.

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Why I love being an Alaskan

Because Republicans know how to use public money to buy off the electorate. Come to mama, my beautiful PFD check…oh wait, look, you brought your cousin the energy assistance rebate…oh wow.  Wait, energy assistance…ohmygod…they think I’m going to hold on to this money to pay my heating bill this winter.  Silly people. I’ll have spent it on one of the bazillion PFD deals long before that. And then I’ll go back to bitching about my fuel bills and wondering again why the government doesn’t do something about it.

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Bears and us

We kill bears when they get angry and attack us because we are standing between them and their food source,usually a salmon stream.  I wonder how we would react if bears stood between us and the snack food aisle at Carr’s? 

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