
Convertibles and Alaskans

For those of you in the lower 48 who wonder about these things, people in Anchorage who have convertibles think that when it gets up to forty degrees, it’s time for them to take their car tops down. 

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Columns 2008

Health insurance is not health care

A couple of weeks ago, a columnist in this paper said we should not confuse health insurance with health care. Excluding references to Paris Hilton having no discernible talent, that may be the biggest understatement to ever appear in print.

Having health insurance, even something like I have which is considered a fairly comprehensive plan, is actually not much more than a placebo meant to lull you into a false sense of security.  Once you actually need to use your insurance, you find it has more holes in it than George Bush’s WMD argument for invading Iraq.  And if you

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To all those Democratic party volunteers

Please don’t waste your time and energy calling me when that same effort could be put towards someone who needs convincing. As for me, I can’t imagine voting Republican ever again unless my children were literally being held hostage and threatened with death if I didn’t. And even then, I’d have to figure out if the kids were worth it.  Lisa Murkowski is the only exception to this rule and that’s because she’s the only Republican left in Alaska, aside from Sarah Palin, who doesn’t cause me to have a visceral gag response.

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How you know you are beyond pathetic

This past Sunday, the Daily News ran a story about Don Young’s problems with that little road in Florida. It referred to a former staffer of Young who is now in jail in connection with the Abramoff scandal.  Apparently, Abramoff tried to find a job for this guy, named Mark Zachares, in the Interior Department office that oversees US Territories at a time when Abramoff was trying to influence legislation affecting the territory.  The Bush administration would not hire Zachares.

And that’s how you know that you are beyond pathetic. When an extremely influential lobbyist can’t get you a low

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I found the 28 percent

Don’t you find yourself wondering who the 28 % are that still support the BushCheney debacle that is humorously referred to as our current administration. I say humorously because they long ago stop administering anything and started focusing solely on chaos, nastiness, secrecy and torture. I think the idea was if they kept things insane enough, we wouldn’t notice what an incompetent failure they are. And then, just when I think that 28 % is a figment of the imagination of some pollster who was too embarrassed to admit that no one voiced any support whatsoever for these idiots, someone

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If there is a god….

If there is a god, Joshua Wade will be convicted of Mindy Schloss’ death and will be sentenced to die by lethal injection. And it will turn out that lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment. We can only hope.

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No one and no thing should ever be allowed to be this cute.


Puppies like this endanger all curmudgeons by causing us to inadvertently think…and possibly accidentally say out loud….AAAAWWWW!!!!!

Meet Gracie, one of the cutest Portuguese water dog puppies you will ever see. No, she’s not mine.  My two old girls are still with me, battling old age and its attendant diseases like I am. Gracie belongs to a friend. I thought by posting the picture, I’d give you all a chance to start your weekend with an AAAAWWWW!!!!!

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A memory prompted by a broken garbage disposal

Back in Atlantic City growing up, our apartment was on the second floor above the grocery store. The kitchen window looked out on a little cement alley between the store and the warehouse (shed?) where dad kept his extra cases of canned goods.  Mom had dad move the trash can so that it was right under the kitchen window next to the sink. Every night after dinner, she bagged up the garbage…remembering that back then there wasn’t half as much as we have today…and tossed it out the window. It was a big privilege when we were kids to be

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Columns 2008

When did we lose our concept of privacy?

I used to wonder where my intensely adverse reaction to cell phones originated. I always feel queasy when asked to handle one. Then the light went on one day as I sat in a restaurant with a friend. His cell phone rang. He interrupted our conversation to check who was calling. His face lit up and he announced it was a mutual friend. He answered the call.

I sat there wondering if I was the only person in situations like this that feel as though they are there to fill the time until something better comes along.  I remember one

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Bush new approval rating

Well, out decider in chief is down to a 28% approval rating. I’d like to find that 28% and ask them, WHAT THE HELL COULD YOU POSSIBLY BE THINKING!!!!!!??????????  But then I switch to decaf and I feel better.

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