
Sandra is very, very old today

My friend Sandra turns fifty today. She is very, very old. You now need to treat her gently and make sure to yell into her good ear when talking to her. Thank god she’s aging faster than me or her turning 50 would mean I was older than dirt.

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Columns 2008


It was sometime in the early or mid nineties. My sister and I were in a Tibetan monastery outside of Lhasa.  We were there only because the Chinese government realized it could not subsidize this region forever. Tibet needed to contribute to the national coffers.  So China allowed some monasteries to reopen as a draw for tourists.

We sat in front of a shrine of Buddha.  Tucked in every nook and crevice in the wall behind the Buddha were pictures of the Dalai Lama.  A very old monk brought us each a cup of yak butter tea. Maybe it was

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What is it with these spammers?

What is it with spammers and my website?  Seriously, what is it???? What is attracting them? Or is it the story of my life…I’m just one of many convenient sites so they might as well try me when they try all the others. I mean, seriously, that pretty much defines my dating life back when I had one.  And now they’re hitting on my site instead of me.  Sigh.  I guess that’s progress. Better my website than me.

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Another reason I love Alaska

As I was leaving Providence Hospital after visiting a friend, I noticed a note taped to the exit doors. It read simply, “Watch out for moose”.  Immediately outside the exit door was a very large mound of moose nuggets.  And I thought again how hard it would be to live anywhere else in the world.

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When I was little

When I was little, my mother bought me a coconut cream filled white chocolate Easter egg for my Easter basket every year. It even had yellow food dye in the middle to resemble the yolk.  I don’t remember who made them, could have been Russell Stover. I do know that if I was given one now, I’d fall face first into it, eat it till I went into a diabetic coma, and then die happy.

Such are the fantasies of an aging diabetic with much too much time on her hands.

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Proof again that my thumb is not green

This was the first year that I over-wintered my fuchsias in my garage in an attempt to save the money it would have cost to over-winter them in a nursery. So I took them out of the garage when the gardening columnist said I should. I watered them and put them in a light filled, sunny room. And the only things growing are weeds. Isn’t that amazing? Even in a flower pot in my house, I grow weeds. As for the fuchsias, well, let’s just say that they make very pretty and decorative pieces of wood sticking up from the

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In a fair world….

George Clooney would be made king of America and then we wouldn’t have to worry about a leader for the next fifty years. Even if he made you mad with what he did, he’d at least be cute to look at.

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Columns 2008

It’s not a surplus if you have a debt

When my mom died, my sister, brother and I cleared out some closets in the back of what had been our family grocery store. In one, I found the old ledger book that my father used to keep his finances straight when he ran the store.

Back then the only computer available was in his head. And despite the fact that math has always been a skill glaring in its absence among me and my siblings, the one skill that seems to have survived through multiple generations was the ability to add and subtract in our heads.  Granted, calculators have

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