

No, really, today is the day I am absolutely taking a day of rest from my blog…oops, there I go again….i ruined my day off by writing about it.

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My day off

This is my day off from my blog…though now that I’ve written this, it’s not really a day off, is it?

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That it should come to this

I was filling the water dishes for the dogs last night when it occurred to me that if I bought bigger water dishes now that I have two dogs, both of whom are bigger than Mr. T, I could save myself some time and effort. Then I thought that this was probably not bad exercise and if I bought a bigger bowl it would just stop me from the extra bending and lifting and that wasn’t necessarily good.

So this is what my life has become…I hold silent debates in my mind about whether small dog water dishes are better

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I must be an old softie.

It snowed all day Wednesday and there wass a total white out happening. I made it to my chiropractor’s appointment only by driving up onto a sidewalk twice. I then came home…very, very slowly…and canceled the vet appointment on the other end of town.  And yet…and yet….the dogs got their three mile walk. I had snow down my back, snow up my pants and snow…well, other places. But they got their darn walk. So yes, I must be an old softie.

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Just when you think you’ve heard it all

The paper yesterday carried an article about a laugh clinic. You make an appointment to see a therapist who has groups in which he or she leads you in laughter. It’s considered healthy for you. You know what’s healthier?  Renting Talledega Nights and laughing naturally.

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Columns 2006

Here’s what I’m grateful for

Since I plan to use my New Year’s column for a list of the people and things that have annoyed me the most this past year, I figured I’d better do something nice for my Christmas column or risk being driven out of town by all the little elves that are making me crazy with their Christmas cheer. And so, here it is – my reason to be grateful this year.

I am grateful, finally after more than fifty decades, that my friend Grace had her birthday before me.

I guess we need to go back a bit to explain

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An update on me and Blondie and Blue

The girls are keeping me way busy. They are much more active than Mr. T was for the last few years of his life. Actually, growing mold was more active than Mr. T was for the last few years of his life. So I’m getting used to walking fast on icy sidewalks and picking myself up with dignity after falling. I’m getting used to using only a small portion of my bed so I don’t interfere with their sleep.  I’m learning to adjust when I get up, when I eat and when I go to sleep so that their day

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cell phones

The most annoying invention of the past two hundred years…unless you count the earplug/microphone attachment that makes everyone look like a candidate for psychotropic drugs because they are talking to themselves.

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Is it just me or….

I realize I am not what one would call a Christmas person…to put it mildly.  But even so, it seems to me that this year, despite the start of Christmas carols before the Thanksgiving turkey was even cooked, and the appearance of Christmas decorations at the same time that Halloween costumes were being advertised, this Christmas has little joy or expectation. It seems strangely flat.  Just an observation from the scroogette on this end of the keyboard.

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The birds at my feeder and Blue

I love to sit at the breakfast bar in my kitchen and sip my coffee and watch the wild birds at my porch feeder. Then I watch one of my dogs, Blue, try to do a header through the glass sliding door to reach them. She gets a concussion each time. To be honest, I’m surprised she hasn’t broken the glass yet.  But she seems to be catching on. She sees them now and heads for the door and then tries to put the brakes on as she reaches the glass. Unfortunately, I have a slippery floor so she can’t

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