
Sarah better watch out

Our new governor seems to be appointing people with ethics, intelligence and skill. What is her problem? Is she just trying to make everyone else’s appointments look bad?

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And now it freezes

So it’s going to be one of those winters. First lots of snow and cold. Then lots of warmth and melt. Now freezing again…just in time to turn all the melted snow to ice, making the simple act of taking a walk a death defying adventure…especially when pulled by two dogs who have no problem with slipping and sliding.

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Columns 2006

Alice through the looking glass?

I’d been out of town for a few weeks so you can imagine my reaction when I returned and scanned the headlines of the papers that had piled up while I was gone.  I felt like Alice falling through the looking glass.  The Alaska State Legislature is going to be led by a bipartisan group of Democrats and Republicans.  That and a falling sky are the two sure signs of the Apocalypse if I remember my Bible studies class correctly.

For a moment I thought maybe my misspent youth in the sixties was catching up with me and some time

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It’s warm, it’s melting, it’s ugly

And once again I have to ask, “How many breakups a year are we expected to live through, lord?  How many before we lose our minds completely, strip naked and go running through the mud till we hit something solid and figure we finally found our car?” It’s December in Anchorage for god’s sake! Why is everything melting?

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Christmas songs


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The first one falls

So we’ve now had the first indictment of one of our legislators for bribery.  More to come.  For some of us, the perfect Christmas present.  Each day now the newspaper will bring another smile to my face as the indictments continue.  Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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Two moose, two dogs, two very nervous people

So Leslie and I are walking the dogs and engaged in animated conversation when we look up and see two moose about three feet in front of us staring fixedly at Blondie. Blue, of course, was too busy sniffing to even notice the moose.  Blondie was nose to nose sniffing the moose.  Leslie and I quickly turned, dragged the dogs away, and went fast in the other direction. So I guess my dogs are not going to be good moose detectors for me on walks.

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Oh sweet lord!

The oldies radio station here has been playing nothing but Christmas carols since the end of November. It’s enough to make an almost sane person cross the line.  Since I barely register as almost sane, I’m the person in the car next to you who is screaming at her radio.  You don’t even want to know what I’m saying.  Suffice to say that it’s not exactly in the Christmas spirit…whatever that might be.

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Three studs in a closet

My brother and two male cousins, friends for almost sixty years, are putting up a shelf in my sister’s closet.  As these three New Jersey Italian males stand there in the closet, each with his own idea of who should be holding what at what angle, one says, “Can anyone find a stud in here?” I have to run up the stairs to keep my head from exploding.

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Columns 2006

Health care system in need of help

I recently got sick while visiting the East Coast. I was in Center City Philadelphia and could find no walk in clinic so I ended up at the emergency room of the Jefferson Hospital.  Since my cousin Joe has a large portrait of himself in their lobby because of his pioneering work as a doc in their ER, I figured I was golden.  I’d drop his name a few times and get the red carpet treatment.

Well, I dropped his name as loudly and as frequently as I could and it got me nowhere. One nurse did admit that she’d

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