

Why would anyone work for the POS currently sullying the White House? You’d wake up every morning and have to check your Twitter feed to find out if you still had a job. That sucks.

On the other hand, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we woke up one day and found out he’d twittered Betsy DeVos straight out of a job? Continue reading →


The saddest thing about the parade

There are so many sad and pathetic things about the military parade the POS currently sullying the White House has ordered.  For starts, it’s about as anti-American as you can get. Our founding fathers did not see us as a country of military might and enforcement. They had lived through that in England. Now they wanted a country of laws. This is why they put a civilian in charge of the military, so that there would never be another time where fear of the military would be used to intimidate citizens.

A parade of arms and military might belongs in Continue reading →


A Sunday smile

While the rest of the world considers us fools at this point, and some of the world is licking its chops over the prospect of “negotiating” with Jared, I find myself tuned in to the royal wedding in England and the good news it brings to America. No, not the good news that this divorced American will not be shunned by the rest of the royal family as was the fate of Wallis Simpson not all that many years ago. No, this good news is the fact that the British, in keeping with their reputation for politeness and propriety, have Continue reading →


Women having it all

I grew up in an apartment over my father’s grocery store in a small Italian immigrant community in the 1950s. The concept of women having it all had not yet reached the common consciousness. But most of the women in my life – mom, aunts, neighbors – already had it all so that idea of having it all never really crossed their minds. Or, if it did, they probably would have been willing to trade it all in for a little less.

I watched my mother get up every day and take care of us kids, clean her apartment, get Continue reading →


So what is more disgraceful?

The POS currently sullying the White House calls Oakland’s mayor a disgrace because she warned immigrants of an upcoming raid. Really? That’s a disgrace but being publicly involved in a lawsuit with a porn star you “allegedly” cheated on your wife with isn’t possibly a bigger one?

Here’s the person who is taking America down one day at a time into the world’s laughing stock instead of the world’s leader; here’s the person whose name is being ripped off hotels all over the world because he is so unpopular; here’s the person who made fun of a differently abled individual Continue reading →


How do you visit a school and not visit with the students

Let’s be real here. Betsy DeVos was never qualified to lead the Dept. of Education. Hell, she isn’t qualified to lead the PTA in Kaktovik. She opens her mouth and stupidity spills out so rapidly you need to put a bucket under her chin to catch all the crap. She goes before the Congress and cannot answer the simplest questions about her department and its activities. The only solution she can come up with for school shootings is arming teachers. I mean, why bother to even say that. Why not just hand out the NRA position paper with bullet points Continue reading →


And here in Alaska, we go down the rabbit hole again

The state legislature has begun what has become its never ending sessions in Juneau on the same note they ended their sessions last year after multiple extra sessions were added to their regular schedule. And what was the problem, you ask? Well, there were two different philosophies at work in Juneau. There was the philosophy that said we need government services, we’ve cut as much as we can, the people of Alaska need to start chipping in for the services they get from the government. The other side insists we can still have a free ride if we accept absolutely Continue reading →


What is wrong with us?

Every time I hear another politician or gun lobbyist or the NRA suggest that we make our schools into armed camps instead of even discussing reasonable gun regulations I want to scream.  Are we really a nation so enamored of guns and violence that we would rather imprison our children for eight hours a day in what would essentially be an armed fortress with locked doors and armed guards rather than admit at assault rifles are meant for war, not hunting, not protection.

School is supposed to be a place where you are safe and can have the good times Continue reading →