One year ago today these two sweet dogs came into my life… ok, maybe sweet isn’t the right adjective here. After all, I just found out that Bubba has apparently be using the corner of my living room carpet to relieve herself at night so she doesn’t have to walk all the way to the dining room five feet away to pee on the pads I’ve put down for her. And Carm spends most of the night trying to shove a particularly smelly and questionable Santa Claus doll under my pillow so all those other dogs won’t get it. But they are my little loves.
We’ll be celebrating with a barbecue. Their cake will be made of hamburger. People attending will received grilled food of some kind even if it’s snowing out… it’s May, damn it! I am using my grill!… and a people cake. It will be a smart dinner party to celebrate one of the smartest things I ever did – adopting these two dogs from Friends of Pets. Rescue dogs are simply the best.