
So this is what it’s come to

The news on any given day is horrible. Leaders in Washington continue to bow down to the idiot in chief and act as though he has the slightest bit of intelligence. People get shot on a daily basis with guns that contain the kind of destructive power our Forefathers never imagined. Schools are armed camps. Space under a bridge is considered housing for immigrants being held by ICE. Powerful men continue to abuse their power by attempting to overwhelm women into screwing them. It just goes on and on.

It has gotten so bad that I find myself not wanting Continue reading →


My favorite story from Facebook this week

I am not using the names of the people who shared this story on Facebook because I never use names here without permission unless they are public figures. So here’s what I read on Facebook last night that just gave me my best laugh in forever.

Person 1, an Inupiaq, gets a text asking if she’s heard the update. Person 1 responds to Person 2’s text because it came from a friend’s account that Person 1 did not know had been hacked.

Person 1 assumes this is about preparations for whaling season in Utqiaqvik since Person 2 is also Inupiaq Continue reading →


I don’t care if it’s just for old farts

Apparently, despite all the bad publicity it gets, Facebook is having trouble being the “hot” thing with the younger generation. I suspect that part of the problem is that on Facebook, you can write long paragraphs and sentences. That is, I’m guessing, difficult for the Twitter generation. Anything over 280 characters in a post just confuses them.

But it doesn’t confuse us old farts. We actually grew up in a time when you wrote letters that went on for more than two pages. We grew up in a time when long distance phone calls were expensive so writing letters was Continue reading →


College admissions scam

Here’s what I find most disturbing about this whole thing – seeing just how shallow, spoiled and thoroughly obnoxious the children of rich people can be when they think they’re getting away with it.

Lori Loughlin’s daughter Olivia Jade not only bragged about not particularly caring about ever making it to a college class, but she also admitted that she rarely made it to high school. What a bratty piece of shit.

And where were her parents? How does your daughter skip high school and you don’t notice… or is it that you don’t care? Surely if you ever made Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

Why is anyone surprised?

I am always amused at the shock expressed by the media every time the rich are exposed as being privileged beyond what us mere mortals can imagine. Many of us aren’t shocked at all.

You see, most Americans (who aren’t Trump supporters) figured out a long time ago that the game was stacked against them. The rich are different from you and me and that difference is glaringly obvious in just about everything they do and say.

When you fly, you pray that the seat will fit your body, the person in front of you won’t put the seat back Continue reading →


I’m rooting for the jaguar

So by now I’m assuming everyone has read the article about the idio… I’m sorry… the woman who thought it made sense to jump over a security fence to get close enough to a jaguar to take a selfie. There is so much to unpack in that statement that I hardly know where to start.

I’m guessing I’m not the only one on the jaguar’s side. Sometimes you need to thin the herd for it to survive and the jaguar was clearly trying to help our gene pool by deleting this idio… woman. Because she should definitely not reproduce. And Continue reading →


Michael Cohen

So I listened to his testimony last week and tried to decide if he was telling the truth or not. On the one hand, he probably wanted this chance to clean up his reputation at least a little for posterity. On the other hand, he gains not much more than the possibility of that if he lies in front of Congress while meanwhile ensuring that he earns the enmity of that swath of the American public that views Trump as their god.

So why testify?

Well, part of it had to be to get a few digs in at a Continue reading →