

As far as I’m concerned, summer arrived at exactly the right time in Anchorage… after the hot weather and before the snow. I can walk without beating back mosquitoes, the sun is warm but the breeze is cool and the whole world seems big, alive, clear and clean. I watch birds getting ready for their trip south, geese practicing their take offs and landings, all our little brown birds storing food for winter, my Stellar Jays putting down impossible amounts of peanuts to stash all over the neighborhood… yep, this is definitely the way to do summer… and even as

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Just another insane moment in my house

Last year, it took me about two days to realize that the noise wasn’t the wind shaking the flue in the chimney. When I finally opened it, a bird fell into the towel I held in my hand below the flue. I put the silly little Stellar Jay outside, gave him some peanuts and a dish of water to wash off the dust while he regained his composure. He finally flew off looking fine.

So this year when I heard the noise, I knew exactly what it was. Only I forgot that I didn’t have the flue shut and, because

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pictures, Scribblings

A belated birthday wish


Yesterday my kid sister Judy got older than I ever thought she would. And still she dreams of actually, someday when she’s all grown up, having an ass. Alas, the Sereni curse is to have none. So if you see this butt anywhere in Atlantic City or its environs today, will you please wish it a happy belated birthday.

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The war ends in dead silence

The latest polls show that the majority of Americans think the war in Iraq was a failure. This should probably not come as much of a surprise to anyone. Once Bush and company stopped beating the drums of war and actually started one, even the most devoted partisans of his policy could not find the WMDs that were our supposed reason for being there. And despite some deliberate obfuscation by his administration, most Americans eventually came to realize that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and was, in fact, one of the most deliberately non-religious governments in the region.

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Am I the only one who didn’t?

If you read popular literature or follow popular culture, you definitely get the idea that every girl goes through a period of ripping wedding dress pictures out of magazines and fantasizing about what her wedding will be like while planning all the details in her teen years.  Am I the only one who never did this? I feel so stupid sometimes because it seems as though I’m the only person in the world who never even imagined doing that.

Maybe it has something to do with my distinct lack of taste in clothing and lack of interest in acquiring any

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Yet another indignity of aging

A friend told me she might have to have her gall bladder out. She asked me if I’d ever had mine out. I had to stop and think because I, for the life of me, couldn’t remember if they took it out when they did my gastric bypass. They might have. I just don’t remember.

How pathetic is it that I’ve reached an age where I can’t recall with any surety which body parts I have left?

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I think they’re spreading the word

I went up from my office to my kitchen to start preparing the evening meal for my little flock and two dogs. I glanced out the sliding glass door going to my porch and saw three Stellar Jays sitting on my deck chair staring in the window waiting for their evening peanuts. I guess I was late as their stares indicated a certain level of impatience with the timeliness of the service being provided. And they’re the wild birds that hang around. You don’t even want to know about the crap I get from my companion birds if the almonds

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Fair and balanced?

The company that owns Fox News has apparently made a donation of about a million dollars to the some national Republican governor’s group.  And yet somehow we are supposed to think that their coverage is fair and balanced.

Somewhere in heaven, Walter Cronkite is weeping.

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Is she really this dumb or just playing to the base?

On what passes for a news show on Fox, Sarah Palin recently explained her opposition to an Islamic Center being built a few blocks from ground zero this way. She said that the argument for the center was that it could promote understanding and tolerance and counter extremists. If that’s so, said our lovely gal Temporary Sal, then why is it that New York City already has 100 mosques and they didn’t stop the 9/11 terrorists.

Really, Sal? Somehow mosques in NYC were supposed to affect the behavior of young men raised and schooled in the Middle East who didn’t

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