
When did we stop learning to enjoy the moment?

I was driving down a beautiful section of town recently and saw a woman on the path next to the road who was roller blading while pushing her baby’s carriage and speaking on her cell phone at the same time. And I had to wonder if she was actually able to enjoy the brief moment of sunshine Anchorage was having or the sensation of the wind blowing in her face while she pushed her baby and listened to the newly hatched birds chirping for dinner from their parents.

Why have we seemingly lost the ability to simply enjoy the moment

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Whatever happened to red lights?

I realize that most people who work for city and state government are probably very nice and relatively intelligent. After all, I was a bureaucrat once and I didn’t check my brains in at the door.  Well, at least I didn’t do that everyday.

But as I am slowly but surely being strangled by a ring of multiple roundabouts, all of which have been planned by the city to be within twenty feet of my front door, I have to wonder whatever happened to the concept of a traffic light.

You old folks out there remember them, right?  They had

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Team Levi

Isn’t there some level on which Rex Butler (head of Team Levi) should feel ashamed of his current occupation?

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Oh how I long for a night’s sleep from my youth, uninterrupted by trips to the bathroom or simply waking up at 2 AM unable to go back to sleep but equally unable to do anything actually constructive beyond reading something I will likely not remember in the morning.

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Something I should have known not to do

So it’s late in the afternoon and I’m at that stage in the day where each of my downstairs birds gets to come out of their cage and come into the office to visit with me while I work. Only I decided I could no longer resist reading my Best Friends magazine that had come in the mail over a week ago and was just waiting for me with its great stories.

So I put Wilson on the chair back which is carefully covered in a towel, put my feet up on the desk and read the issue from cover

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Tea Party

There was a brief moment in time where I thought I’d give credit to the Tea Party movement for at least bringing new issues to the table instead of the same old crap we keep hearing from the Dems and Reps. But then they appeared here in Alaska and refused to refudiate their former head in California who wrote that horrible racist rant on the Internet. I mean, how hard is it to say that was way beyond just a mis-judgement in taste and something that seemed like a throwback to the era of the KuKluxKlan. But the Tea Party

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Why does Blondie always have to pick the darkest corner in the darkest spot of the hallway right in front of the door leading to the garage for her morning nap? And why, after all these years, do I still forget she’s there and trip over her?

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Hard hats and helmets

After Dukakis’ disastrous picture in a helmet during his presidential campaign, you ‘d think most candidates would avoid those photo ops. But here comes an ad for Lisa Murkowski and she’s wearing a hard hat and damned if she doesn’t look good in one. If Dukakis had looked that good in a helmet, Bush 1 might not have wiped the floor with him. 

Newsweek may not think Lisa is “glamorous” a la Our Gal Temporary Sal but she sure does do Alaska glamorous well… I mean, what Alaskan man doesn’t like his woman to be able to wear her hard

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Liberal is not a dirty word

I find myself frequently castigated as a liberal by various online commenters.

I don’t think the word liberal is anymore heinous than the word conservative. Both are nothing more than the description of two political philosophies put forth by mostly honorable people who want to achieve what is best for America but differ or how to get there. The fringe in each group does not represent the majority.

What I find amusing is that the same people who hurl that word at me as the basest of epithets seem to think that because I am more liberal than conservative, I

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A flaming queen’s wet dream

I wonder if it ever occurs to the pope and his bishops and cardinals that the outfits they get to wear on a regular basis are a drag queen’s wet dream? Flowing robes, gold embroidery, pointy hats, red slippers…. OMG – I knew queens back in Brooklyn who would have become priests just for the privilege of wearing that stuff without fear of being arrested for indecent attire. But their standards were too high for the priesthood.

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