
Excuse my French but oh boohoo

Doesn’t your heart break for all these poor men being accused of sexual misconduct? After all, some of them would argue that there is a vast difference between grabbing ass and rape. And it seems as though the mere mention of accusations, whether proven or not, is enough to cause you to lose your job and the respect of the world. Men are horrified that women have turned on them like this. Many men think they were just flattering you when they tried to kiss you or put their hand way up on your leg or patted your bottom. Is Continue reading →


Now I really need to rant

And no, it’s not about Orange Goo or his ridiculous tweets. No, today I’d like to rant about naked women.

I am grateful that we are passed that time in history where women were considered secondary citizens whose sex vibes would send any man into a frenzy thus necessitating that women cover up everything. Because, as we all know, a man can’t be held responsible for his sexual impulses if a woman is such a slut as to wear a mini-skirt.

We’ve thankfully gotten beyond that. Women can now wear as much or as little as they want. I just Continue reading →


Merit based immigration

So the POS currently sullying the White House thinks we should have only a merit based system of immigration. Under that system, none of my grandparents would have ever been admitted to this country. They were illiterate and poor. But they came with determination and ambition. They came wanting to make a good life for themselves and a better life for their kids. They brought an amazing work ethic, a belief in the dream of America and pizza. America is better for their presence and the presence of the millions of immigrants who came with nothing but a dream and
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Universal health care explained for idiots

There are apparently some who think universal health care is a plot to turn us all into socialists. Quite frankly, you are better off looking to the bromance between Putin and Orange Goo to find that.

Some of the arguments you hear most often against universal health care are that if government takes over health care it will fuck up a perfectly functional system and it will cause us to have to wait in line forever to be seen.

The first thing is just laughable. If this is a perfectly functioning health care system, then why are so many people Continue reading →


Ah Alaska in the summer

Depending on where you live in Alaska, summer can be full of fishing or seal hunting or goose hunting or getting that moose for the winter. In all those scenarios, two things are a constant. One, summer in Alaska involves killing something. Two, who the hell knows what the weather may actually be like? And given the fun that global warming brings, you never know from one hour to the next whether it will be cold, hot, warm, rainy, cloudy, windy… and usually, on a good Alaska summer day, you get all three in the space of about four hours. Continue reading →


I don’t usually endorse a candidate but…

I make my views on politics known with little attempt to disguise or otherwise obfuscate my feelings about certain topics. But I don’t often endorse a candidate publicly. That’s about to change. There are three candidates running for office that deserve to be elected or re-elected to public office. All three are independent of either of the two major political parties in America today. Maybe that’s why I like them.

First, those deserving of re-election: Governor Walker and Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott. Walker has done an amazing job in the face of a recalcitrant legislature that refused to handle our Continue reading →


Way to conduct yourself as president

First – threaten a foreign power in a text in all caps, the professional and appropriate way to send a threat to a foreign power.

Second – the very next day, send out a conciliatory text to that same foreign power

Third – Don’t tell your own staff what you’re doing so that they are continuing a threatening stance while you are being conciliatory. You know, just to keep the world guessing about how truly insane you are

Fourth – congratulate yourself on once again managing to create another crisis to divert attention from the fact that you are a Continue reading →


Just what America needs

As of August 1, an apparently insane individual will be allowed to post online the directions for printing your own gun at home on your 3D printer.

Yep. No more waiting in those long lines at the gun store. No more waking up in the middle of the night because you forgot to print a dozen for your kid’s class the next day. No more last minute panic because you forgot to buy a secret Santa gift. And if someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night… well, given an hour or so to print a gun, Continue reading →


Nayla, The Protectress

Somehow a fly got in my house. Given my aversion to the outdoors and my reluctance to let any of it indoors, this particular fly must have slipped in during the three seconds the door is open to let the dogs in or out.

At any rate, the one fly that made it in was one of the buzzing ones. I found this out when I got in bed, turned on my reading lights and tried to relax. Wasn’t going to happen. That damned fly would give me just enough time to get settled and then it would buzz me Continue reading →


Please stop picking on them

In a world full of nuclear weapons, racial hate, national divide and neighborly distrust, do we really need that POS currently sullying the White House to be focusing on the NFL. I mean, no offense to the NFL. I gather from the madness surrounding the Super Bowl that it has a lot of fairly fanatical fans. And good for them.

But there are also a lot of us out here who don’t really give a crap. Which is why POS’ focus on whether or not a player is kneeling or standing during the national anthem is really just another attempt Continue reading →