
Another great quote

I’ve got to say that I did not think rereading Vanity Fair would reveal to me that Thackery was quite ahead of his time in his understanding of politics, human nature and… yes, vanity. Here’s the quote that caught my eye last night. Going on two hundred years later and it’s still fresh and relevant – especially in today’s America.

“One of the great conditions of anger and hatred is, that you must tell and believe lies against the hated object, in order, as we said, to be consistent.”

William Makepeace Thackery Continue reading →


You know we are in trouble when…

You know your country is in trouble when late night comedians don’t have to do anything more than air a two minute excerpt from a speech given by the POS currently sullying the White House to elicit belly laughs at its incoherence. Then you suddenly stop laughing as you realize this illiterate, mean, and nasty idiot is running this country. Oops, forgot used an n instead of an i in that word. I mean ruining out country. Continue reading →


Once more to my childhood

The Miss America Pageant won’t leave me alone. Just as soon as I recover from the feelings of body shaming that accompanied every pageant of my youth, the Pageant hits the headlines again. And I am again that tubby little girl sitting in front of the TV on a Saturday night, windows wide open in the living room to catch a breath of air on a warm September evening, knowing that two blocks away the most beautiful woman in America would soon be crowned and I would never, ever be able to be her.

There were no pageants for the Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

So we’re no longer even trying to hide the selling of America

Thanks to large donations from certain companies that might have a financial stake in the matter, the United States went to a meeting of the World Health Organization and tried to block a resolution urging the international community to encourage breast feeding and stop misleading claims by formula makers that what they sell is better.

That’s right, folks. We are now formally opposed to the idea that breast milk is best for an infant. Given that breast milk is a goddess given attribute, does this mean that America is now formally against the goddess’ choices for us humans? Or do Continue reading →


Defending the indefensible

When I hear supporters of the current administration complain that the accomplishments of the administration are not being recognized, I find myself truly amazed that I have to explain to them that I can’t hear those accomplishments over the screams of three thousand kids separated for no reason other than cruelty from their parents.

Defenders of this administration remind me of the Germans who would defend Hitler by saying he did a lot of great things except for that little Jewish problem.

A piece of shit that builds a railroad that runs on time is still a piece of shit. Continue reading →


Two interpretations

So our Secretary of State Pompeo thinks the talks with North Korea were productive and good. North Korea calls them “regrettable”. Well, congratulations, North Korea. Now you know how Americans have felt since that dreadful day in November 2016.

I don’t know about you, but given the choice between believing someone from Orange Goo’s administration versus a mouthpiece for North Korea, I believe North Korea. Yep, in less than two years, this idiotic administration has caused me to believe North Korea over America. I’d say that was a pretty significant shift.

Apparently, the entire world is so engaged in trying Continue reading →


Not a spoiler? Really?

It’s hard for me to imagine Mark Begich actually claiming with a straight face that there was a clamor for him to run for governor. It is absolutely disingenuous of him to claim he will not be a spoiler in the upcoming Alaska gubernatorial race. And yet, knowing the ability of Democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, I’m not surprised. I fully expect that, thanks to Begich, we will end up with a right-wing Republican for governor who will represent nothing more than the extraction industry while ignoring the will of the majority of Alaskans. Cause that’s Continue reading →


The killer line…

Here’s the line that should be enshrined as one of the most duplicitous, disgusting and deranged statements ever found in a resignation letter:

“However, the unrelenting attacks on me personally [and] my family, are unprecedented and have taken a sizable toll on all of us,” he added.

Yep, Scott Pruitt is demoralized by what we’ve done to him and his family. And none of it was his doing. He was just doing his job and we all piled on so unfairly – including the 13 federal investigations now ongoing into his time at the EPA.

Orange Goo isn’t so much Continue reading →


Really? Bill Gates has $5 million he wants to give me

I understand how, when the Internet and email and all that stuff first hit, trusting people might might have been taken in by bogus emails from African royalty. But now? The generation for which all this was completely foreign has, for the most part, passed on. My generation, the baby boomers, has had plenty of time to learn how to do email, surf the web and spend thousands of dollars at Amazon to buy things we don’t need. So why is anyone still falling for the Nigerian prince scam?

Today, I received an email with the subject line stating that Continue reading →