
It’s hard to know where to begin

But let’s start with the fact that every morning when I get up, I pour my coffee and go to the news app on my iPad to see if the POS currently sullying the White House has started a nuclear war. In that case, I might as well just go back to bed and eat chocolate. Once I’ve ascertained we will still be around long enough for me to take a shower, I look at the other news and suddenly I want to go back to bed and just eat chocolate until I die anyway.

Today’s news was particularly disheartening. Continue reading →


The Chief Rat announces his retirement

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that Paul “The Rat” Ryan has announced his retirement from Congress. Now that he’s passed that tax bill that puts America into astronomical debt but gave his corporate sponsors all they wanted in terms of increased wealth, it’s time for Paulie to retire and start collecting on all those debts now owed him by everything from the NRA to Big Pharma.

Yep, no need to worry about Paulie the Rat. He’ll soon be sharing in the billions that his tax plan gave to the wealthiest of Americans.

He joins a long chorus line of Continue reading →


A weekend wrap up

Things happen so fast and furiously in this administration that it’s hard to keep up.

Let’s start with the fire in the Trump building in NYC in which a man died. He died in an apartment he couldn’t sell because… drum roll please… it was in a building with Trump’s name on it. I think that says it all without anything else needed.

Then there is the news that his personal lawyer’s office was raided by the FBI – yes, that FBI, the one he keeps trashing. Lest there be any more proof needed that the POS currently occupying the Continue reading →


So this is what I’m supposed to believe

According to the POS currently sullying the White House, he would run into a school without a gun to save students during a gun attack.

So he tells us he has the balls for that but not the balls to go the White House Correspondent’s Dinner and face a bunch of journalists making fun of him.

Yeah, he has balls… tiny, little ones that make most grapes look huge by comparison.

Gnats have bigger balls than he does. Continue reading →


Just when I thought he couldn’t get much more horrible

So here’s today’s headlines:


  • President Donald Trump reportedly questioned why the CIA had waited for a drone strike target to walk away from his family before killing him.
  • Trump had previously advocated taking out the families of terrorists during his presidential campaign.  

I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised. Family, except of course for Ivanka who he still apparently has hopes of banging one day, means nothing to him. I believe he would throw them under the bus in a heartbeat if it meant saving his own skin. You know that brag he made after the Parkland shooting about Continue reading →


Menopause, the Musical

So if you are a woman of a certain age and live in Anchorage or the surroundings, I strongly urge you to go see Menopause, the Musical.

I went last night and my 32 year old friend Greta was the youngest person there by decades. The audience is overwhelmingly ladies of a certain age and beyond along with the occasional brave male who I think was there to try to figure out what the hell was going on with his wife.

I can remember being in the middle of the worse of menopause. I stood in the doorway of my Continue reading →


My warm, safe place

I grew up in a small apartment over my dad’s grocery store in an Italian immigrant neighborhood of Atlantic City called Ducktown. My bedroom would probably barely qualify as a walk-in closet for today’s homes. It had a radiator that hissed steam and the smell of damp clothes drying on it all winter. There was a small window that opened to a 2 ft. wide alley and then the solid wall of the building next door. For some reason, it had two doors, one to a hallway and one to the living room. I never understood that. And in all Continue reading →


Congratulations, Anchorage

Yep, my city done me proud. Voted down Prop 1 or, as I refer to it, the “let’s codify hate” proposition. And they re-elected Ethan Berkowitz. I mean, seriously, is Anchorage becoming an island of blue in a sea of red or what?

As for the people who put forth the hate prop, please go away. Go back to whatever dark hole from a previous century you came from. Go back to a time when your prejudice, ignorance and hate were the norm. They no longer are. People who may or may not call themselves Christians actually do believe in Continue reading →


Stop me before I do more laundry

It is friggin’ amazing how much work you can fit into a day when you get up at 6:30. So far, I’ve made my doc app’t.; stripped my bed down to the mattress and washed everything; bought a new blanket for the bed because the one I had on the bed had been barfed on by Carm one too many times and I could no longer ignore the smell; mailed my brother his birthday card and gift; pick up my meds; went shopping for groceries; fed all the animals; swept out the bird room like a mad woman; and now Continue reading →


It must be spring

The return of the sun has, as it always does, shown me where all those places are I don’t notice in the winter that have perhaps become a tad dusty and dirty. OK, more than a tad but less than a barrel full.

I am, at best, a reluctant house cleaner. I’ll do the birds room because I don’t want mice to be attracted to their droppings. But beyond that, well, let’s just say I approach the rest of the house with all the enthusiasm I reserve for dental surgery. But then the sun comes out and I am horrified Continue reading →