
Yes it’s self-serving but…

Yes, James Comey’s book is self-serving and will probably make him oodles of money. But he says some things that so need to be said, things that we are almost too embarrassed to express because we want to look cool and some of the things he espouses are not “cool” in today’s DC.

Comey speaks about service to the country and not service to an individual. He speaks about how the highest office in the land should be held to the highest ethical standards, not something for which the current administration will ever win any awards. Comey speaks about loving Continue reading →


What is wrong… right?… with this man?

Here’s the info that should raise your eyebrows at least slightly, even in this era of Trump lowering the bar so low that ants are having trouble sneaking under.

“A $43,000 soundproof telephone booth that Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt put in his office has caused federal watchdogs to speak up loudly…  The booth — which cost $24,570 itself with nearly $20,000 more in installation costs — is part of a major security upgrade that he ordered for his office that also included biometric locks and a sweep for listening devices.  Pruitt has already come under fire from critics Continue reading →


The Stealth Legislature

The Alaska Legislature has been meeting in Juneau for three months. It’s understandable that you may not have noticed. They have done their best to fly under the radar for most of the sessions and, given their output to date, that was a very good idea. Otherwise, Alaskans might ask themselves why they are spending thousands of dollars a day paying their legislators to be in Juneau.

They are on track to pass the least number of bills since the Stone Age. Now some may think that’s a positive. And, given some of the bills to come out of Juneau Continue reading →


The Egg Sitter

So I’m one of those people who DVRs her TV shows and watches them without commercial breaks using her favorite remote button – fast forward. However, no matter how fast you forward, you are bound to see at least the video portion of the commercials.

So last night I was fast forwarding through some show when I noticed the words “egg sitter” showing on the TV as a variety of women put a pillow on a chair, put a fresh egg on the pillow, sat on it and then broke the egg into a cup to prove it was not Continue reading →


Conspiracy theorists

So conspiracy theorists – a group in need of a locked facility, psychotropic drugs and therapy – believe that the kids protesting against gun violence after watching 17 of their friends gunned down are actors. And I must seriously ask, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Conspiracy theorists all sound like they need to get a life – a real life. If they have enough time to dream up these bizarre scenarios where kids watch other kids killed in front of them and then just go back to school like nothing happened, they have time enough to volunteer at Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

Things lost in the storm

Things getting lost in the wake of a Stormy Trump… the total waste of time and money that the current Alaska Legislature is.

Yep, it’s been a stealth legislature so far, which is probably better than some years filled with spoiled brat whining to the press about how mean the other guys are. But still, this has been pretty much the definition of a do nothing legislature. They are on track to pass the least bills ever by an Alaska Legislature. Now again, I realize that can be a plus were it not for the fact that some bills that Continue reading →


It’s hard to know where to begin

But let’s start with the fact that every morning when I get up, I pour my coffee and go to the news app on my iPad to see if the POS currently sullying the White House has started a nuclear war. In that case, I might as well just go back to bed and eat chocolate. Once I’ve ascertained we will still be around long enough for me to take a shower, I look at the other news and suddenly I want to go back to bed and just eat chocolate until I die anyway.

Today’s news was particularly disheartening. Continue reading →


The Chief Rat announces his retirement

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that Paul “The Rat” Ryan has announced his retirement from Congress. Now that he’s passed that tax bill that puts America into astronomical debt but gave his corporate sponsors all they wanted in terms of increased wealth, it’s time for Paulie to retire and start collecting on all those debts now owed him by everything from the NRA to Big Pharma.

Yep, no need to worry about Paulie the Rat. He’ll soon be sharing in the billions that his tax plan gave to the wealthiest of Americans.

He joins a long chorus line of Continue reading →


A weekend wrap up

Things happen so fast and furiously in this administration that it’s hard to keep up.

Let’s start with the fire in the Trump building in NYC in which a man died. He died in an apartment he couldn’t sell because… drum roll please… it was in a building with Trump’s name on it. I think that says it all without anything else needed.

Then there is the news that his personal lawyer’s office was raided by the FBI – yes, that FBI, the one he keeps trashing. Lest there be any more proof needed that the POS currently occupying the Continue reading →