
A quick reminder

If you haven’t made your holiday donation to a charity yet, what are you waiting for? Do you really think God cares if you got yourself a new cell phone or video game console as much as she cares that you thought of someone else on this holiday? C’mon. all you Christians out there.  Wasn’t Jesus about giving, not getting?

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I’m too old to do this

One of my dogs was sick on Thursday night. She might have licked up some of the fire splattered grease from the steak. She kept me up all night with her need to go out every 90 to 120 minutes.  Last night I guess I was too tired to hear her. I got up once when she barked and then fell into a very sound sleep.  Who knew she’d have the trots two nights in a row. All over my living room carpet.  And I do mean all over!

I can only assume that if I was younger, I’d have

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The fire is out.  I’m OK.

So in case of emergency, I am apparently genetically programmed to move slowly and deliberately. As my steak set my oven on fire last night, and smoke alarms rang all over the house, and birds started looking glassy eyed from the fumes, all I could think about was whether to use whole wheat or white flour to put it out so that the steak would still be edible. I used white flour and the steak was fine. As for my oven, I’m honestly afraid to even turn it on. I think I’ll wait until my brother the fireman comes here

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Warning bird

I’m sitting in my office working when my conure in the next room starts screaming. Now usually Wilson is a pretty mellow bird. But he was definitely upset. So I went out thinking that one of the Senegals had annoyed him and I’d just calm him down. I jokingly said, “What’s up, Wison? Is there a moose scaring you?” Then I looked out his window and there was a moose. He was letting me know that danger was nearby.  You’ve just got to love parrots, don’t you?

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Columns 2007

Whatever happened to our privacy?

Is it just me or does it seem to you that the only entity left with any privacy in this country is the government? For all the blathering about activist judges interpreting into the constitution rights that don’t exist, why is no one yelling about the rights to secrecy being claimed by our current administration that also don’t seem to appear in the Constitution?

The administration in Washington has once again slammed the door on an inquiry by Congress, this time into the destruction of interrogation tapes by the CIA. They say the Justice Department is investigating and handing over

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Stop it, stop it, stop it

Some young whippersnapper in New York is suing a bar on behalf of all young men saying that Ladies Night at the bar discriminates against him. As someone who was front lines of the gender wars to get women treated as equals, let me say this about that. Stop it you little….well, I guess I’m still too much of a lady…no, I’m not. Stop it, asshole!  This is known as that proverbial one step too far. Because based on your theory, every restaurant that offers a buffet discriminates against me because I’ve had bypass surgery and can’t eat much. And

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One of those moments my sister always warns me about

I looked in my closet some time in early fall and thought how utterly tired I was of seeing the same old coats that had hung there for seven years. So I grabbed most of them, put them in a bag and brought them to our local shelter with the idea that I would go shopping and buy myself a nice winter coat. Needless to say, I never went shopping. And so I head out the door tonight for a lovely dinner and theater in a blue nylon jacket that is most suited for…well, not going out to the theater. 

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It’s too bad the word “whatever” was not around in its current connotation when I was young. I’m guessing it would have immediately constituted at least ninety percent of my communications with my mother.  And it would have definitely been less volatile than the communications we did have.

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A quote

As more and more Alaskan politicians do the perp walk, my brother Phil reminded me of something someone from our old neighborhood used to say. For all I know, he copped it from someone else. Either way, it’s so appropriate right now in our political life here.

“There is no such thing as an honest man..just a thief without an opportunity”

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Shouldn’t we be more concerned….

Shouldn’t we be more concerned about Mitt Romney’s inability to explain his flip flopping positions that seem tailored to the audience he is now trying to woo than how he worships his god? I mean, short of devil worship that involves eating human flesh, who cares? I’m more worried that he seems to be just another self-serving politicians whose beliefs will change to meet whatever audience he’s trying to win over. Though that’s not half as bad as Giuliani, who claims he still believes in his principals but can live with laws that violate them.  Is there not a candidate

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