
Another entry for the Hall of Infamy

Once again I wasted many precious moments of my life… a life, I might add, that has precious few to spare at this point…trying to open the packaging on my toothbrush replacement head. I could be wrong about this but I’m pretty sure the packaging on that replacement could have safely brought a space shuttle through re-entry.  And again I must question why we are wasting earth’s resources packaging tooth brush heads as though they are potential incendiary devices. But wait, help is on the way. There are battery powered scissors being advertised for Christmas as being able to cut

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Columns 2007

Anchorage Project Access

I’m not exactly the Christmas type. In fact, there are some who say I should not be allowed in polite company during this festive period. Personally, I find so many people running around with silly grins on their faces wishing everyone a happy holiday somewhat creepy. It’s like they’ve all been brainwashed and then suddenly, on January 2, the posthypnotic suggestion wears off and everyone goes back to avoiding eye contact with their fellow human beings when not actively scowling at them for some imagined slight.

So I am amazed that this column is going to cover a topic that

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I may have ceded too much power

I may have ceded too much power to the stellar jays that come by for food on my back porch. I saw one of my regulars chowing down at the bird feeder on the mixed seeds and realized that the magpies had gotten all the peanuts already. So I went out onto the porch with a bag of peanuts to put some out for the jay.  Not only did he not back away from the feeder, he thoroughly scolded me for interrupting him. I quietly backed away into the house, waited till he’d had his fill at the feeder and

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Did you know?

Did you know that springform pans have a top and bottom? And that if you put the top on the bottom, when you lift it up full of batter, the bottom will fall out. Merry friggin holidays!

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Happy Birthday, Grace

Today, my childhood friend Grace officially turns older than dirt.  I don’t know how she did it but she’s managed to age at least two years for every year I did. Because I know I can’t possibly be as old as she is now. 

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Maggie cam

As the temperatures dipped towards zero this week, I found myself clicking into the Maggie cam a lot more often and wishing I was there with her where no parkas, gloves, boots and ice grippers are needed for something as simple as a walk.

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It must be my age

When I lived in Barrow, I walked my dog until the weather got below 30 below and thought it was invigorating. The temperature dipped to almost zero this week in Anchorage and all I could do was add more clothes to my body and explain to my dogs that they did not have a snowball’s chance in hell that I was going to walk them. Age has made me a complete wimp.

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Columns 2007

Health care provided in prison

In the spirit of the holiday season, let me tell you what I resent. I resent that my tax dollars are going to pay for Papa Pilgrim to get medical care while he’s in prison.  I resent the heck out of it.  Because, and I’m just guessing here but I’m willing to bet I’m guessing right, there is no similar, publicly funded program in place for his children to receive long term counseling to overcome the damage his version of religion has done to them. He gets a free ride and they get to spend the rest of their lives

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Why dogs have nervous breakdowns

Blue, my food addicted diabetic pooch, found a piece of dried, frozen apple in our very frozen yard. Apparently under the impression that this piece of food stood between her and winter starvation, she frantically tried to bury it. Only the ground is frozen and no amount of nose pushing was working to cover the apple. I watched her frantically push it all over the yard with her nose trying to cover it up, all the time watching out of the corner of her eye for Blondie, the non-food addicted dog, to make sure she didn’t try to sneak in

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