

Almost seven years after bushcheney swore they would find bin Laden no matter where he was and punish the Taliban for their support of Al Qaeda, a new study shows that the Taliban are now firmly re-established in over 50% of Afghanistan. And, of course, we all know how well that search for bin Laden is going. Yep. Nothing like two cowboys with empty sacks where there balls ought to be running a war so incompetently as to make Dr. Strangelove seem prophetic in the idiocy of the people running the country.

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Hall of Infamy 2007

Just to remind everyone, you have one month left to nominate people, places and things that belong in my hall of infamy for 2007 or who deserve to be retired into the permanent hall of infamy. Just a reminder, the only criteria for inclusion is that the person, place or thing had to have annoyed the hell out of me (or you) over the past year. And you can’t nominate me no matter how much I annoyed you because it’s my website and my list and if it annoys you so much you should go read something else. In case

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Columns 2007

Memories of a good man

This is one of those columns I never imagined I would be writing. I always just assumed Ken would outlive me.  But a sleepy driver on a dark road in Minnesota ended his life much too early, if mercifully quickly.

I’d known Ken Petersen and his partner Rob for over 30 years.  We spent much of that time exchanging tacky Christmas presents. I always felt at a disadvantage in the competition. Rob and Ken were invariably able to overcome their inherent good taste with an even better sense of the absurd. My “Jesus on a Half Shell” is all the

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Do you ever wonder….

Do you ever wonder if the government releases some sort of secret gas in the air before Thanksgiving that makes all that food look so much more attractive and delicious than it does on any other day of the year? 

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It seems to me

It seems to me that the same people screaming that abortion should be made illegal are the people who should be most in favor of teaching birth control to every teenager in America.  But they seem to be the ones who want to only teach abstinence.  You remember abstinence, don’t you?  It’s that thing that goes out the window when hormones hit.  Get real, people. Either agree to each adopt at least three children born to mothers who are not ready to be parents or support teaching birth control to our kids. Oh yeah, and those may not be perfect

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The Sunday comics

I can’t begin to imagine what computers would have to do to convince me that reading the Sunday comics in any other fashion than with a cup of coffee at my kitchen counter with the paper in my hand is worth it. But then again, I guess twenty years ago, I couldn’t imagine what it would take to convince me to keep an online diary that the whole world could read.  Time marches on, right Satchel?

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A cautionary tale

If you plan to take the plastic cover off your florescent lights to change the bulbs and maybe clean the cover, you definitely want to make sure that the person helping you is a very good friend. That way they won’t gag and look disgusted when the get the plastic cover off and discover all the dead bug bodies in there. Gross!

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Another way to look at it

I had a friend tell me that at a recent gathering of many people she’d not seen for years, old acquaintances kept coming up to her and telling her she looked just the same, just the way they remembered her. She said she was tempted to ask them if they meant that she looked 80 twenty years ago.  Hmmmm………….

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Foster children who succeed

She sat at the front of the room, poised and looking sophisticated beyond her obvious years.  She was young, beautiful, and dressed for success in Bush Alaska. She faced a semi-circle of people who sat behind tables with the debris of their catered breakfast scattered amid the papers, pens and agendas.

Anyone popping his or her head in the door to look at this scene would think it was nothing extraordinary. A conference of legal, educational, counseling and social services professionals waiting for a presentation from one of their peers on the issues faced by foster children in getting their

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