
Whitekeys, we’ll miss you

When my column stopped running over a year ago, I swore I would never write another one unless it was really, really important to me. Well, this topic is really, really important to me because Mr. Whitekeys is retiring after this summer’s run of the Whale Fat Follies and it breaks my heart. Where the heck am I supposed to bring my summer visitors now to have them publicly mocked?

            To start at the beginning – there was a place back in the day called Spenard. While an area known as Spenard still exists and is doing its best Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

It’s so sad

Every day I feel as though I am watching my country be torn apart piece by piece. Our democracy is history. The idea that we have three co-equal branches of government has been tossed to the wayside by a president and party that want nothing more than raw power, no matter what gets destroyed along the way.

I am grateful my life was mostly spent in a wonderful country that I could take pride in – a leader of democracy in the world. Now I live in a country that exports guns, ammunition and soldiers as our main products and Continue reading →


Sorry for my absence

Of course, I’m assuming that you missed me… you did, didn’t you? I would be heartbroken if you didn’t but no pressure…

Anyhow, the problem has something to do with my webpage and trying to sign in. But the help number has now been firmly ensconced in my ” Help for Idiots” folder. And, just as a word of advice – if you start off your conversations with tech support by announcing you are an old lady who could understand Russian more than the letters and symbols on the error message, they very quickly drop their language to a first Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized


I could not get in to my blog for the past week because of something that I don’t pretend to begin to understand. But after only an hour’s wait on the phone, some nice young man eliminated something that was causing the problem and promised I wouldn’t even miss what he’d deleted.

We’ll see…
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Workout pants

I don’t know about you, but my workout pants are baggy with elastic waist and what might possibly be chocolate stains on them. I don’t put on makeup or do my hair or worry about what sweatshirt I’m putting on top of the pants and whether it clashes or not with the pants.

So when I see some Hollywood starlet bouncing out of her workout session in a pair of sweatpants that are more form fitting, hip hugging and stylish than the best pants in my closet, I have to wonder.

How do they workout without the pants slipping off Continue reading →


The rule of law

Stephen Colbert asked a very interesting question to Cooper Anderson last night. He asked what would happen if the Supreme Court ruled that Trump had to release his tax returns and he still refused to do it. Cooper replied that we would then be dependent on good people in his administration to resign in protest until such time as he was forced to comply. In other words, we are screwed.

First of all, for those who have been living under rocks for the past two years, there are no good people in this administration. And there are few good Republicans Continue reading →


It has now reached the level of gibberish

Is no one in power concerned about the fact that the POS currently sullying the White House is now simply spouting gibberish without even an attempt at coherence?

I listened to part of one of his rallies recently – and I do mean “part” because it took but a few minutes before I found myself screaming at the crowd. Can they all be complete idiots or are they intelligent people who just enjoy a good show? I’m hoping for the latter but fear for the former.

So as best I can tell, a Trump rally is full of the level Continue reading →


Here’s the dream

I want to dump all the stuff from my junk drawer into a box marked “junk drawer” and then, when I get to the new house, dump the box into a drawer that instantly becomes my new junk drawer. Saves the time and effort required to create a whole new junk drawer when moving.

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So this is what it’s come to

The news on any given day is horrible. Leaders in Washington continue to bow down to the idiot in chief and act as though he has the slightest bit of intelligence. People get shot on a daily basis with guns that contain the kind of destructive power our Forefathers never imagined. Schools are armed camps. Space under a bridge is considered housing for immigrants being held by ICE. Powerful men continue to abuse their power by attempting to overwhelm women into screwing them. It just goes on and on.

It has gotten so bad that I find myself not wanting Continue reading →


My favorite story from Facebook this week

I am not using the names of the people who shared this story on Facebook because I never use names here without permission unless they are public figures. So here’s what I read on Facebook last night that just gave me my best laugh in forever.

Person 1, an Inupiaq, gets a text asking if she’s heard the update. Person 1 responds to Person 2’s text because it came from a friend’s account that Person 1 did not know had been hacked.

Person 1 assumes this is about preparations for whaling season in Utqiaqvik since Person 2 is also Inupiaq Continue reading →