Scribblings, Uncategorized

It’s so sad

Every day I feel as though I am watching my country be torn apart piece by piece. Our democracy is history. The idea that we have three co-equal branches of government has been tossed to the wayside by a president and party that want nothing more than raw power, no matter what gets destroyed along the way.

I am grateful my life was mostly spent in a wonderful country that I could take pride in – a leader of democracy in the world. Now I live in a country that exports guns, ammunition and soldiers as our main products and Continue reading →


Sorry for my absence

Of course, I’m assuming that you missed me… you did, didn’t you? I would be heartbroken if you didn’t but no pressure…

Anyhow, the problem has something to do with my webpage and trying to sign in. But the help number has now been firmly ensconced in my ” Help for Idiots” folder. And, just as a word of advice – if you start off your conversations with tech support by announcing you are an old lady who could understand Russian more than the letters and symbols on the error message, they very quickly drop their language to a first Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized


I could not get in to my blog for the past week because of something that I don’t pretend to begin to understand. But after only an hour’s wait on the phone, some nice young man eliminated something that was causing the problem and promised I wouldn’t even miss what he’d deleted.

We’ll see…
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Scribblings, Uncategorized

Why is anyone surprised?

I am always amused at the shock expressed by the media every time the rich are exposed as being privileged beyond what us mere mortals can imagine. Many of us aren’t shocked at all.

You see, most Americans (who aren’t Trump supporters) figured out a long time ago that the game was stacked against them. The rich are different from you and me and that difference is glaringly obvious in just about everything they do and say.

When you fly, you pray that the seat will fit your body, the person in front of you won’t put the seat back Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

Notes from Las Vegas

So it’s been awhile but I’m back, my face is healed and, as usual, I lost my shirt at the penny slots in Vegas. Here’s some highlights.

These are my heroes

So there we were… three little old ladies unable to open their package of pot gummy bears. Ok, they were my gummy bears but I figured I’d get more sympathy if I told these nice young men that all of us just wanted to get stoned and play the penny slots but couldn’t get the package open. And that was all I needed to say. One of them took Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized


When I first left nursing quarters in Utqiagvik to live in the village, I found out about chopping ice for water. I learned how precious every drop was because of how hard it was to get it, melt it and then dispose of it if it was dirty. I used and reused water. Dirty water could be used for plants. Water used to boil an egg could be used again. Water used to cook pasta could then be used to wash dishes. Clothes rinse water became clothes wash water. The creativity went on and on.

Then we moved to a Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

I once did columns about the past year

When I wrote for the ADN, I usually did an end of the year column detailing those I thought deserved to be placed in the Infamy Hall of Fame. It was fun because back then we actually had a (somewhat) functioning and only slightly embarrassing federal government.

I thought about that today and realized that I could never do that column today because, honestly, it would take up four pages just listing POS’ idiocy and that of his sycophants. How would I choose who was so bad that they got voted into the permanent wing. I mean, we know POS Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

Why do we tolerate this?

The story of the mentally ill man who killed the gardener at the Alaska Zoo is heartbreaking. It’s heartbreaking for both the victim and the perp because it should never have happened. And neither person can really be held responsible when it was our system of caring for the mentally ill that allowed the murder to occur.

The young man accused of doing the killing is mentally ill. His family knew this. They knew he could be violent. They tried everything to help him. To read their story of bouncing from one government agency to another without ever getting the Continue reading →


I always suspected

So here’s the headline that merely confirms what I have long suspected…

“Researchers Are Now Saying That Lettuce Can Hear When It’s Being Eaten”

Yes, eating veggies is a cruel and unusual act that causes pain to that lettuce leaf. Is it any wonder that the romaines finally turned against us and starting killing us?

As someone who has always firmly believed eating a dead cookie is much more humane than munching on lettuce and ignoring the screams from your mouth, I can’t say I’m surprised by this. I know veggies are supposed to be our best friends but really Continue reading →


Alaska – the forgotten state

I always thought it was just me. Or it was just my family. But it turns out the entire country is no really sure Alaska belongs to America so why worry about it when tragedy strikes.

When hurricanes happened in the south, everyone rallied to help. Hawaii is America’s beach so of course it will be supported through volcano eruptions and other nasty forces of nature. But Alaska – we have a 7.0 earthquake and it barely makes national news for more than one day.

I realize that Alaskans are used to this. We don’t wait for others to help Continue reading →