
How you know you’re an old hippie

I went to a local pot store to pick up some edibles. My lungs haven’t had smoke in them in so long that they rebel if I try to smoke pot. So edibles it is.

As I stood at the counter of a lovely little pot emporium, I asked the very nice and VERY young lady helping me what shatter was. As an old hippie who only ever knew to smoke a joint or bake brownies with it, I used to think I knew all there was to know about pot and pot products. But I’d seen the word shatter Continue reading →


Ah family

Here’s the thing about family. They drive you crazy. Unless you live in a world where every member of your family is on Zoloft, this is as true about you as it is about me.

The extra added flip with my family is that they come from a region of Italy where being snarky is a way of life and getting sentimental is a sign of weakness. So we don’t do that. We yell a lot. We laugh a lot. The women have actually been known to cry a little together – but not too much. Can’t have that.

As Continue reading →


It is just too exhausting

The media causes wars and divides people? According to the latest from Tweedle Dee, the only person you can trust is him. And that’s creates a difficulty since he lies every time he opens his mouth and the “fake news” usually has video and audio to back that up. So the only media organization that fits POS’ definition of the media as warmongers is Fox “News”.

And on that note, it’s a windy, grey day in Anchorage with summer definitely on the wane and the cool breezes of fall already being felt. I’m going to go visit an old friend Continue reading →


When you’re not getting enough attention

So this is what I’ve figured out about pretty ladies who get photographed with their asses and tits showing… my mother was right. They are just looking for attention.

I say this because it seems as though every time the spotlight drifts from one of the young women who seem to feel it should always be on them, they go naked in one way or another to pull it back. Miley Cyrus wears an outfit that shows her ass. One of the innumerable and hard to differentiate Kardashian’s wears an outfit that all but has bells and whistles pointing to Continue reading →


Do you feel safer now? Well, do you?

You should. Because yesterday, ICE deported the wife of a veteran who lived here for almost twenty years and is being separated from her American children. Another dangerous illegal sent packing.

Yep, this administration seems to have a thing about separating children from their parents. Maybe it’s a result of some deep seated resentment in the POS currently sullying the White House because he couldn’t get Ivana to keep Eric and Donald Jr. separated from him. I don’t think Baron has to worry. He never sees him anyway. As for Ivanka, I think it’s become crystal clear that he’d preferred Continue reading →


One more time with feeling, guys

So for those of you men out there worried that the mere accusation of sexual misconduct will ruin your reputation and career – welcome to the world that women have occupied for so long we don’t remember when it was any different. No matter what the scenario, if a woman and man were caught in an inappropriate sexual liaison of any kind, the woman was a whore, a temptress, a bitch who lured that poor man in knowing he was not responsible for controlling his sexual desires. Whether you were a queen – check out the history of countries like Continue reading →


God how I miss them

Did you see the video of Biden and Obama in the bakery run by military vets? My heart broke with longing for the decency, respect, kindness and honor they brought to their positions – none of which the current POS sullying the White House does.

I mean, seriously, POS thought he needed ID to buy groceries. Does this not tell us all we need to know about his connection to the “common” man – you know, the guy his newest tax scam will again leave out in the cold while providing billions to billionaires. Yep, in case you missed the Continue reading →


Excuse my French but oh boohoo

Doesn’t your heart break for all these poor men being accused of sexual misconduct? After all, some of them would argue that there is a vast difference between grabbing ass and rape. And it seems as though the mere mention of accusations, whether proven or not, is enough to cause you to lose your job and the respect of the world. Men are horrified that women have turned on them like this. Many men think they were just flattering you when they tried to kiss you or put their hand way up on your leg or patted your bottom. Is Continue reading →


Now I really need to rant

And no, it’s not about Orange Goo or his ridiculous tweets. No, today I’d like to rant about naked women.

I am grateful that we are passed that time in history where women were considered secondary citizens whose sex vibes would send any man into a frenzy thus necessitating that women cover up everything. Because, as we all know, a man can’t be held responsible for his sexual impulses if a woman is such a slut as to wear a mini-skirt.

We’ve thankfully gotten beyond that. Women can now wear as much or as little as they want. I just Continue reading →